Arrive EOL'ed by Sprint


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Apr 5, 2012
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Figured I'd let you all know... I went down to the Sprint corporate store on 42nd street in NYC the other day for kicks and noted that the HTC Arrive was nowhere to be found. The same could be said for the three Sprint Authorized Retailers around where I live. No Arrives in stock and 2 out of the 3 had no demo units on the floor (the one that did had a non-working dummy).

I asked a rep about it and he told me that as of the last signage/price changes and updates, the Arrive was listed as EOL but it's in their systems and on as $49.99 after $50 mail-in rebate should someone want to order one.

(For those who don't know, EOL = End of Life)

Hopeful for a Windows Phone 8 announcement or has Sprint officially given up?
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Mar 31, 2011
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Figured I'd let you all know... I went down to the Sprint corporate store on 42nd street in NYC the other day for kicks and noted that the HTC Arrive was nowhere to be found. The same could be said for the three Sprint Authorized Retailers around where I live. No Arrives in stock and 2 out of the 3 had no demo units on the floor (the one that did had a non-working dummy).

I asked a rep about it and he told me that as of the last signage/price changes and updates, the Arrive was listed as EOL but it's in their systems and on as $49.99 after $50 mail-in rebate should someone want to order one.

(For those who don't know, EOL = End of Life)

Hopeful for a Windows Phone 8 announcement or has Sprint officially given up?
Figures... Their best rated phone with the highest user satisfaction gets EOL's with no replacement announced.


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Apr 5, 2012
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I think it speaks volumes that Sprint EOLs the Arrive around the same time that Verizon releases Tango 8773 for their HTC Trophy. The Trophy is only a month or two newer than the Arrive.

Sprint, you are disappoint.


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IMO, I don't think Sprint has given up. The device has been out for a very long time, putting the Arrive on EOL shouldn't be shocking. Only reason you don't notice it with other OS (for all carriers) is due to the fact that they release so many other devices or are the iPhone.

Sprint released the EVO 4G LTE, Galaxy S3 and soon the Photon... but did any one notice the 9850 getting EOL or HTC Design 4G? or all high-end premium devices with a slide-out keyboard being EOL?


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Apr 5, 2012
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IMO, I don't think Sprint has given up. The device has been out for a very long time, putting the Arrive on EOL shouldn't be shocking. Only reason you don't notice it with other OS (for all carriers) is due to the fact that they release so many other devices or are the iPhone.

Sprint released the EVO 4G LTE, Galaxy S3 and soon the Photon... but did any one notice the 9850 getting EOL or HTC Design 4G? or all high-end premium devices with a slide-out keyboard being EOL?

Very true.. I agree with your points. The phone IS over a year old at this juncture... it's just that there's no replacement in the wings for it (that we know of).

One interesting thing to note is that I was told today by a rep I'm friends with is that the old HTC Touch Pro2 technically was never put on EOL and is still available, they just dont advertise it. He assumes its for business customers. It's $100 for a Touch Pro2 on contract... still more than an Arrive which made me laugh.

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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The replacement will most likely be available in the fall, once the WP8 devices hit the store shelves.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express


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Jun 27, 2011
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So what does this mean for updates? Do we get any or are we stuck with what we have? I'd like 8107. I want Outlook to quote the other party when I reply on exchange!

Or at least 7740 to fix that issue FFS!


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Jul 4, 2011
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I really liked the idea of the Arrive. I wanted to grab Sprint, and was very happy with the idea of the wonderful keyboard. Had Sprint just had a LITTLE better reception in my little Burb, we would have made the switch.

Yes, of course the Arrive wasn't going to last forever. The Trophy on Verizon is due as well. AT&T EOL'd the LG Quantum, the HTC Surround, and the Samsung Focus as well. So, the first Gen WP's are going away. It happens.

Difference is the AT&T of course was all over Gen 2 devices. Big Red is Bull-ish on WP8/LTE devices and have made no bones about it. They will give the next Gen of WP a shot and so when the Trophy goes at least the vocal support is there.

The Arrive is dying without that support. Yes, there are rumors of a Nokia WP8 device for Sprint, but the Big Brass in general has done nothing to make anyone think they are interested. Heck, Sprint has been mentioned as a MeeGo supporter for their next device when the start-up Jolly tries to get it off the ground. But WP8? Not a nice thing to say. That leaves Arrive owners scratching their heads.

It is sad to see such a highly regarded device get so little respect and no successor.


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Mar 17, 2011
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It's disappointing considering its the only wp7 phone on sprint but not at all surprising because of how long the phone has been available, hopefully this means a replacement windows phone will be at sprint soon. FWIW, it is still available at for 50 bucks.


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Aug 5, 2012
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IMO, I don't think Sprint has given up. The device has been out for a very long time, putting the Arrive on EOL shouldn't be shocking. Only reason you don't notice it with other OS (for all carriers) is due to the fact that they release so many other devices or are the iPhone.

Some articles out a few months ago (maybe march or april?) revealed an FCC application to license a new phone. The specifications for the device included particulars that indicate it will be a Windows 8 phone on Sprint's network. The speculation was that licensing was being readied for a Sept '12 product release to market. But these are all deductions, nothing definite. Sprint does play coy like this, but no doubt, they also have to make happy with Apple for some period of time.


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Jan 1, 2011
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Very true.. I agree with your points. The phone IS over a year old at this juncture... it's just that there's no replacement in the wings for it (that we know of).

One interesting thing to note is that I was told today by a rep I'm friends with is that the old HTC Touch Pro2 technically was never put on EOL and is still available, they just dont advertise it. He assumes its for business customers. It's $100 for a Touch Pro2 on contract... still more than an Arrive which made me laugh.
One guy came in asking about the next windows phone 8 device, but I guess it wasn't you as he still had a touch pro 2. He wanted it for the tight Office and Exchange integration.


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Apr 5, 2012
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One guy came in asking about the next windows phone 8 device, but I guess it wasn't you as he still had a touch pro 2. He wanted it for the tight Office and Exchange integration.

Wasn't me haha.. I had my time with the TP2 and that phone was a beast. It did everything I wanted but once I had a chance for an upgrade, I went to the original EVO out of curiosity. Six months later the Arrive came out and I jumped for it at full retail price. Android can't compare to WP, but I have respect for it since it's very similar to the old Windows Mobile in a lot of ways.

Aside from that quick 6 month fling with Android, I've been Windows Mobile/Phone all the way. It's why I'm strongly hoping Sprint announces something... my contract runs up on Oct. 3rd, but I'll wait around until the end of the year.


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Wasn't me haha.. I had my time with the TP2 and that phone was a beast. It did everything I wanted but once I had a chance for an upgrade, I went to the original EVO out of curiosity. Six months later the Arrive came out and I jumped for it at full retail price. Android can't compare to WP, but I have respect for it since it's very similar to the old Windows Mobile in a lot of ways.

Aside from that quick 6 month fling with Android, I've been Windows Mobile/Phone all the way. It's why I'm strongly hoping Sprint announces something... my contract runs up on Oct. 3rd, but I'll wait around until the end of the year.
I hope so as well. I'm hoping for a Nokia and/or Samsung.


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Dec 1, 2009
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IMO, I don't think Sprint has given up. The device has been out for a very long time, putting the Arrive on EOL shouldn't be shocking. Only reason you don't notice it with other OS (for all carriers) is due to the fact that they release so many other devices or are the iPhone.

Sprint released the EVO 4G LTE, Galaxy S3 and soon the Photon... but did any one notice the 9850 getting EOL or HTC Design 4G? or all high-end premium devices with a slide-out keyboard being EOL?

Yes they have, the arrive has disappeared from the shelves of every sprint store near my school. This was back in February, a phone is not supposed to be EOL'd until its successor with the same OS has been announced.


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Apr 5, 2012
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On the Sprint Community forums, the one moderator that chimes in once in a blue moon makes it seem like no OEM is offering Windows Phone devices to Sprint for them to sell. She (I'm assuming it's a she) always makes claims as such.

How about your company MAKING A CLAIM that you will support and advertise devices that support that OS? Maybe then OEMs will show faith in you and approach you with devices.

It's like saying that you can't sell fishsticks because the Gorton's fish people haven't approached you... YOU have to make the effort to reach out to Gorton's and say you want to sell their product, make the order, etc.

People aren't going to come to you, especially when you're not the #1 or even #2 carrier in the country. It's ridiculous.


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Aug 11, 2011
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I really liked the idea of the Arrive. I wanted to grab Sprint, and was very happy with the idea of the wonderful keyboard. Had Sprint just had a LITTLE better reception in my little Burb, we would have made the switch.

Yes, of course the Arrive wasn't going to last forever. The Trophy on Verizon is due as well. AT&T EOL'd the LG Quantum, the HTC Surround, and the Samsung Focus as well. So, the first Gen WP's are going away. It happens.

Difference is the AT&T of course was all over Gen 2 devices. Big Red is Bull-ish on WP8/LTE devices and have made no bones about it. They will give the next Gen of WP a shot and so when the Trophy goes at least the vocal support is there.

The Arrive is dying without that support. Yes, there are rumors of a Nokia WP8 device for Sprint, but the Big Brass in general has done nothing to make anyone think they are interested. Heck, Sprint has been mentioned as a MeeGo supporter for their next device when the start-up Jolly tries to get it off the ground. But WP8? Not a nice thing to say. That leaves Arrive owners scratching their heads.

It is sad to see such a highly regarded device get so little respect and no successor.
Thanks. I'm an Arrive owner and I am scratching my head. Thought it was a skin condition (-:


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Apr 5, 2012
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Sprint is literally 10 mins or less from having me locked in for another 2 years. All I need is an announced Windows Phone 8 device for their network. Once its released, I order it, renew my contract and that's it. I'm satisfied and they keep a subscriber... it really is so simple.

They have until the end of the year... and then I make my decision.


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Apr 5, 2012
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...and we wonder where Windows Phone support on Sprint went to... look no further -

Sprint CEO says paying over $15 billion for the iPhone was money well spent |

Quoted from the CEO Hesse himself -

?I think the No. 1 thing was getting the call from Apple that they were interested in at least having the opportunity,? Hesse said. Of course, the company and its board had to take a hard look at the economics. Selling the iPhone is good for the long term, Hesse said, noting that customers are more valuable in the long term. But, in the short term, it is costly, as the company spends more in subsidies to attract those iPhone buyers.

?We committed to $15.5 billion over four years in purchases,? Hesse said. ?That?s a large commitment. ?He said Sprint looked at Apple and its popularity, and ?we saw no reason to bet against Apple.?

Ugh... :(


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Apr 5, 2012
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Just recieved a heads up that as of Q4 2012, the old WM6 HTC Touch Pro2 is finally being put out to pasture. This move leaves the (expensive!) Motorola ES400S (WM 6.5.3) as the sole non-EOL'ed Windows device in the Sprint lineup.

It's being recommended that all enterprise consumers with Touch Pro2's move to Android-based devices such as the Galaxy S2 (Epic Touch) or the LG Optimus S, as they are listed as possible replacement handsets.

I can understand all of the EOL moves and everything... it would just be nice to hear of a replacement that's not Android!

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