Recent content by Abhishek CM

  1. Abhishek CM

    Battery drains faster after amber update for 720

    Guys,can I go back to my old firmware???
  2. Abhishek CM

    Battery drains faster after amber update for 720

    Hard reset didn't fix it. Can I go back to my old firmware,if so how can I do that?
  3. Abhishek CM

    Battery drains faster after amber update for 720

    I've blocked all apps and I'm running nothing but still the battery is draining in standby mode. I think I'll hard reset the phone and see if the problem persists.
  4. Abhishek CM

    Battery drains faster after amber update for 720

    I am having the exact same problem, my battery doesn't even for a day that too on standby with almost no usage and everything is turned off!! At first amber was running fine,I think the battery drain started after i installed like 15 app updates from nokia. Somebody please help