Recent content by anon(7900571)

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    WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

    Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?! A lil update. My nephew threw my lumia in the pond. Though i dont know how to swim I still managed to get it back and as expected it does not even work or charge. Gave my iPhone 5s to nana. Currently using iPhone 7Plus rose gold. I am studying journalism...
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    Why I left WP and reason why i was no where in forums ☺

    haha I was usuing my old nexus 7 if I remember 0.o. You have sharp eyes hehe
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    WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

    Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?! Yawnnn.... I have my 5th semester exam tomorrow and I have notes opened in office in front of me which are forcing me turn off the PC xD and go to sleep. Will study early morning. Night guys zz :)
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    WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

    Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?! Yup and thanks :)
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    WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

    Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?! I hope everything is fine at your end :)
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    WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

    Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?! Look who's back :p I missed you guys :)
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    Windows 10 Mobile - love it or hate it?

    Its OKAY if they fix those annoying bugs and brings the apps i use it will be a the mobile OS for me. Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
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    Why I left WP and reason why i was no where in forums ☺

    Hey guys its great to talk to all of you after so many months. Literally its been months since I last posted here in WC forums. So I am pursuing BJMC (bachelor in journalism and mass communication ) and i am in my 4 sem. I always wanted to be a tech journalist the reason I opted this course of...
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    Facebook app for windows 8.1

    Try to re-install the app from windows store ?
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    Introduce yourself!

    Welcome abroad everyone. enjoy your stay here :smile:
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    when release denim update for 735 in india ?

    I believe it had denim per-installed ?
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    [FREE GAME] Maze Lamb - A challenging puzzle game (giving away MS Store coupons)

    Re: [FREE GAME] Maze Lamb - A cute and challenging puzzle game Hey Thanks for developing great and fun games for our platform. Good luck with your game :smile:
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    530 Lumia Denim

    Availability in Asia Pacific - Microsoft - Global not yet in Indonesia :unhappy:
  14. A

    Battery Saver lights left on - FIXED!!!

    Glad they figured out and foxed this issue. :smile: