Recent content by Anoop Azeez

  1. Anoop Azeez

    Windows Central photo contest: Sunshine

    This was taken at Cherai Beach, India in a rainy day. When I see these kids playing Football at the beach it bring back my childhood memories. Camera App: Lumia Camera Device: Lumia 820 Editior: Camera360 Sight
  2. Anoop Azeez

    Weekly photo contest: Tilt Shift

    who is last weeks winner?
  3. Anoop Azeez

    Weekly Photo contest: Patterns

    This photo is actually a dome of a shopping mall in Kochi. It was a festive season and I was shopping all the day and then took this with my Lumia. Device: Lumia 820 Camera App: Default Camera with no Flash Edited in: Instagram Beta
  4. Anoop Azeez

    Weekly photo contest: Public transport

    machaane ith evideya sthalam?
  5. Anoop Azeez

    Candy Crush

    After the first update, its now Candy Crash Saga. cant even opne the game. anyone else having this issue?