Recent content by anoop s

  1. anoop s

    Try this!!!

    working,..! L 520 wp8.1.1
  2. anoop s

    Weekly photo contest: Silhouette

    #sunset #beach Taken with my Lumia 520 editzz Adobe photoshop express
  3. anoop s

    Downloading update [confirmed WP8.1 Cyan]

    Thanx for the info..:)
  4. anoop s

    Downloading update [confirmed WP8.1 Cyan]

    can you please check the update size from data sense.? it will give the correct size of the update.. thanks in advance..
  5. anoop s

    BBM beta is up!

  6. anoop s

    Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

    i know 6 people.. my sister, 4 of my friends and my uncle..
  7. anoop s

    Post your latest Start Screen & Backgrounds!

    re: WP8.1 Start Screen & Backgrounds
  8. anoop s

    How many apps do you have? (8.1 ONLY)

    92 installed apps here.. with 6 games.. Most used ones are whatsapp uc browser and temple run 2
  9. anoop s

    Post your latest Start Screen & Backgrounds!

    re: WP8.1 Start Screen & Backgrounds I'm not gonna let you do that..:winktongue:
  10. anoop s

    Best Windows Phone 8 device. (POLL)

    520 is missing..
  11. anoop s

    Post your latest Start Screen & Backgrounds!

    re: WP8.1 Start Screen & Backgrounds Here's mine..:)
  12. anoop s

    Your Top 5 Most Wanted Apps for WP 8.1

    1. Whatsapp (with all features) 2. Facebook from facebook inc. 3. Mx player or VLC 4. opera mini 5. superbeam
  13. anoop s

    Battery life with WP 8.1

    here's mine.. same as wp 8
  14. anoop s

    Games Hub not showing games on the list

    same here.. it started after i updated games hub today..
  15. anoop s

    "ME Tile" in Windows Phone 8.1 here is an image from windows phone official fb page. and u can see the ME tile