Recent content by Aresjr21

  1. Aresjr21

    Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

    Mostly to hold me over until another phablet windows phone releases. Enjoyed the 640XL and think the 950XL is a good upgrade towards until the Surface Phone ever surfaces.
  2. Aresjr21

    full windows tablet with both HDMI and 3G?

    I would suggest the Acer. It seems to fit what you are looking for almost perfectly.
  3. Aresjr21

    What Are You Doing To Prep For Windows 10?

    Nothing. Leaving it to chance in hopes it turns out well. Not even waiting for my manufacturer go ahead for drivers.
  4. Aresjr21

    640 xl at Microsoft brick and mortar store?

    I recommend calling to see if it is. I know the one local to where I vacation in FL only had the 640 and whenever I asked about the 640XL at the time it was delayed. The 640 and 640XL for the most part is very comparable, the 640 should be a close apples to apples comparison for you minus some...
  5. Aresjr21

    Windows 10 and 640XL

    Yes and no. I would not since the 640XL is your daily driver. This preview isn't for those that have just one device to use. Tread lightly.
  6. Aresjr21

    Xbox going away?

    Hahaha no. Xbox is not.
  7. Aresjr21

    Expansys 640 XL

    In person no, I don't see many Windows Phones in my area but I have seen the white cover advertised to me on Amazon; through advertisements I must add.
  8. Aresjr21

    Expansys 640 XL

    You may have to purchase the matte white from amazon.
  9. Aresjr21

    Why don't I have a network signal on my 930?

    Re: no network signal on 930 Do You have the ability to try a separate/different sim card?
  10. Aresjr21

    Why don't I have a network signal on my 930?

    Re: no network signal on 930 Did you verify your model supports the bands for your service provider?
  11. Aresjr21

    Expansys-USA 640 XL Arrived

    Yeah at the moment my 640XL 0nly gets H+, however that is good enough for me and well worth the phone. Only problem that has for me is that it eats up battery for me and I get roughly 1 1/2 days out of it. It could also be because of the MSFT band I use with it as well.
  12. Aresjr21

    How do you turn off the wifi-calling on this phone?

    I assume WiFi calling isn't working correctly for you? Or is it something you just generally do not want?
  13. Aresjr21

    Download stuck

    Still the same?
  14. Aresjr21

    Download stuck

    Have you tried canceling the download and restarting it?
  15. Aresjr21

    Does the Lumia 535 dual sim need any antivirus's?

    Re: lumia 535 dual sim needs any antivirus As a sidenote: The only modern day mobile OS to have virus protection available, and would possibly be worth investing into for it, is Android/Google.