Recent content by coip

  1. coip

    Your favorite Xbox One games

    Favorite Xbox One Game = Fantasia: Music Evolved Honorable Mention Halo 5
  2. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    Minecraft: PE get Xbox Live Achievements on iOS and Android, but not Windows Phone! One would've thought, with Microsoft owning Mojang and Windows Phone that Xbox Live achievements would've come to Minecraft: Pocket Edition on Windows Phone back when the game launched in December 2014. It...
  3. coip

    What is the Most Recent Windows Phone with These Features?

    What is the Most Recent Windows Phone with These Features What is the most recent Windows Phone to have all of the following: 1. capacitive buttons (back, home, search) 2. Glance screen + double-tap to awake 3. dedicated camera button 4. front and rear-facing cameras 5. expandable storage (SD)
  4. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    On 1 March 2016, in an interview with PC World, Xbox executive Mike Ybarra (@XboxQwik) continued his crusade against Xbox's most loyal fans by boasting about how Microsoft has Xbox games on enemy platforms iOS and Android already and how they hope to bring even more. Not only is it bad enough...
  5. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    Does Mirror's Edge (WP) show up in any of your Store searches lately? It's not showing up on my searches in the USA, WP8.1, Lumia 928.
  6. coip

    Microsoft Is Completely Inept at Cross-Promotion: See These Bing Results

    It wasn't. It was done on Windows 7. But the point is that they should care. That's them literally spending internal resources promoting a competitor, leading to potential lost revenue and guaranteed lost brand promotion. Their competitors don't gift them such publicity; Microsoft shouldn't either.
  7. coip

    Microsoft Is Completely Inept at Cross-Promotion: See These Bing Results

    One reason why Microsoft's failure getting Windows Phone to take off is so damaging is because not having control over the iOS and Android ecosystems has enabled Apple and Google to get a leg-up on promoting their own services, at the expense of Microsoft's equivalents. Thus, Hangouts and...
  8. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    On 22 February 2016, Game Troopers released free-to-play slot machine game, Free Slots Fun Factory, complete with Xbox achievements. This marks 3 non-Xbox games and 19 Xbox games from Game Troopers.
  9. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    On 12 February 2016, Game Troopers updated their previous non-Xbox game, Fusion Dots, with Xbox Live integration. If you were waiting to get the game until they did so, go get some achievements now! This nullifies previously bad UPDATE 108 above and changes their final tally to 3 non-Xbox games...
  10. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    On 16 December 2015, Game Troopers released their fourth total non-Xbox game on WP, Looking for Laika. That marks 4 non-Xbox games for them and 15 Xbox games. On 5 January 2016, Game Troopers released an Xbox-enabled endless runner Ridiculous Marathon. That marks 4 non-Xbox games for them and...
  11. coip

    IE issues.

    It's not just you. I was coming here to post something similar: both my wife and I have Lumia 928s running WP8.1 and never really had any problems with IE. It was never blazingly fast, but it was always adequate. But for some reason, recently, page loading has become intolerably slow. Many pages...
  12. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    On 3 December 2015, Gameloft released their 13th non-Xbox game for Windows Phone since returning to Xbox development on Windows Phone, Sniper Fury. On 8 December 2015, Gameloft released their 14th non-Xbox game for Windows Phone since returning to Xbox development on Windows Phone, Country Friends.
  13. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    As deutschzuid noted above, on 20 November 2015, Game Troopers got back on the Xbox gravy train by releasing the mathematical puzzle game, Equalicious. And now, on 6 December 2015, Game Troopers released their second consecutive Xbox game Elements: Epic Heroes. That marks 3 non-Xbox games for...
  14. coip

    From iPhone to Lumia 950: One man's quest for something new (review)

    I had some friends and family switch from iOS to Windows Phone and they really liked the Windows Phone OS a lot more for several reasons: 1. Live tiles: superior notifications and home-screen customizability 2. Pins: the ability to pin individual contacts, websites, or in-app groups (like...
  15. coip

    [#SaveXboxWP] Asphalt 8 is NOT an Xbox Title: Let's Mobilize to Reverse the Trend.

    On 12 November 2015, Game Troopers released their third total non-Xbox game on WP, Momonga. The world of mobile Xbox gaming is looking precarious.