Recent content by Ebag333

  1. E

    New skyfire beta works!

    What phone are you testing with? In order to support Skyfire on that size of screen you'd need a real beast of a phone. It's very demanding on system resources for smaller screens.
  2. E

    I used my Redfly to locate my phone

    Nice! MacGyver would be proud. :D
  3. E

    redfly software/dock

    At the current resolutions, the phones hardware comes into a play. I would not mind an option (both for previous and future versions) for multiple resolutions, so you could scale it down if you needed a bit more oomph.
  4. E

    redfly software/dock One of the better sites for carputers.
  5. E

    redfly software/dock

    Heck with the dock, I wanna see the in-dash one. :D
  6. E

    redfly software/dock

    That's going to be more then phone than the Redfly. Text messaging on my 800w is just fine. My wife's 700wx has a noticeable lag, but I wouldn't call it "painfully slow".
  7. E


    Speaking of RealVGA, a new version is up for the 800w and Treo Pro (probably works for other phones as well). Check out the 800w forums for it. ;)
  8. E


    Switching DPI using RealVGA requires a soft reset. There's no issues using a smaller DPI with the Redfly, at least in my experience so far.
  9. E


    Yeah...if only it were that easy..... ;)
  10. E

    Suggestion: 640x480 setting

    Maintaining the resolution is of relatively limited use, as it kinda defeats the purpose of the Redfly. That being said, the ability to cycle through several resolutions (especially on the fly) would actually be pretty cool, especially if you had the option to have it scale to fill the screen...
  11. E

    Suggestion: 640x480 setting

    Still probably couldn't view flash however. :(
  12. E

    Review REDFLY and get some SWAG

    I got my shirts today! Thank you very much ckj! I might have to order another Redfly just to have an excuse to post another review. :D
  13. E

    Redfly and trickle charging?

    Even if you could get it to take a charge (and that's a lot of voltage), it'd take a *LONG* time at .325 amps. Plus you're not going to get that much amperage consistently, you'll be lucky to average half that.
  14. E

    C8N- did I pull the trigger too early with C8?

    Celio won't do that because they can't afford to support dozens of possible combinations just to sell a handful of each. The universal plug is a smart move on their part. Yeah it sucks that you have to have an adapter, but it's pretty much either that or no media port at all. ;)
  15. E

    C8N- did I pull the trigger too early with C8?

    If it's worth the extra $100 to you, return the C8 and go with the C8N.... It would be nice with your Touch Pro to be able to watch videos/movies on the larger screen. If that floats your boat, go for it. :)