Recent content by FredBloggs007

  1. FredBloggs007

    Is it still worth it to buy a surface laptop 3?

    I thought the Surface Laptop 4 was due out this year too. But haven't heard anything yet.
  2. FredBloggs007

    What phones do the MS leaders use?

    Does anyone have any confirmed insight into what phones Satya Nadella, Bill Gates, Terry M, Panos, Joe B, Dona S etc use as their daily drivers?
  3. FredBloggs007

    Store app update problem (on mobile)...

    Wow - I can't believe it... it works!!! I deleted the Office 365 Admin app on my wife's phone, did a Check for Updates but no change. But the next morning it started working and all outstanding apps were updated!!! I did notice that "Store Purchase App" got an update last night, so could it...
  4. FredBloggs007

    Store app update problem (on mobile)...

    Indeed! Can't believe this issue is unresolved for such a long time. There's quite a few similar reports in the Feedback Hub too, so its not isolated.
  5. FredBloggs007

    Store app update problem (on mobile)...

    Anyone else having this problem?
  6. FredBloggs007

    Store app update problem (on mobile)...

    My wife has an HP Elite x3 which is running the production Creators update. I’ve noticed that since the update her apps aren’t auto updating (even thought this is selected). I’ve tried selecting “Check for Updates” but it returns nothing – i.e. no apps requiring updates, even though I know...
  7. FredBloggs007

    New "Family Calendar" notification

    Anyone else get a notification about the 'new' Family calendar feature? I already have a shared calendar set up from the old "Family Rooms" days, but this new one adds a new "Family calendar" to my diary.# Anyone have any tips on migration of entries to the new calendar? I assume it will make...
  8. FredBloggs007

    Should I fight for a Windows insurance replacement phone?

    I had a similar issue in the UK. My phone insurance company offered me a Sony phone, but I said it's not the same platform. They said they don't have Windows Phones, so after some convincing that Android wasn't the same as Windows they gave me the cash equivalent to purchase a new Lumia minus...
  9. FredBloggs007

    Which is the official Windows Central app for WM10?

    Interestingly I heard Daniel Rubino say in a pod cast that the usage numbers for the Windows Central app were very low indeed which is also the case for the Android app. Probably explains why there's not so much investment in the app. I guess the majority access the site via the web. As for me...
  10. FredBloggs007

    Glance Screen Not Working

    Damn - I have this problem now with my 950XL. Glance screen flickers and goes dim. I take it from most of the replies that it's a hardware issue. Not sure what options I have in the UK now...?
  11. FredBloggs007

    HP Elite x3 phone holder for a car with wireless charging

    Thanks! I had a quick look and looks like the width of the new one charger might be tight with the Elite x3 which is quite wide. Also I don't think it can be mounted on the windscreen - looks like dash only which is a shame.
  12. FredBloggs007

    HP Elite x3 phone holder for a car with wireless charging

    Anyone using or know of a phone holder for a car (windscreen mount) with built in wireless charging - similar to the good old Nokia CR-200s?
  13. FredBloggs007

    Outlook / Shared Calendar problem

    Bumping up... anyone?
  14. FredBloggs007

    How does the dual SIM work on the HP Elite x3?

    Hi there. My wife is thinking of getting an HP Elite x3 to use the dual SIM functionality for work / personal calls. Does anyone use that functionality and how does it work in terms of making outgoing calls - i.e. how do you select which one to use for making calls / sending text messages...