Recent content by Ianhosoosiang

  1. I

    [APP] myAccounter ? A calculator that all financial analysts should possess

    Looks good, will check it out and give a review.
  2. I

    Weather Station ? The only Weather App that you will ever need

    Sounds good, will try it out. Thanks for the recommendation.
  3. I

    Windows App that all Musicians must have

    Very nice, let me go check it out. Been looking for an App which i can bring to my jamming sessions
  4. I

    [FREE APP] Can any one help me promote my Windows Phone app?

    Check out Software Licensing Solutions for Mobile Apps | Lotaris , i understand that if you utilize their in-appCommerce platform to sell your app, they do participate in helping you promote your apps. Hope this helps.
  5. I

    [APP] Download thousands of videos for FREE with Tube Downloader Lite

    Seems like this app made the top free list on Windows Store.
  6. I

    Best Windows 8 Apps

    Techcrunch for all my tech news TuneIn A Podcast/Radio for my music Tube Downloader Lite for me to download and consume my YouTube Videos offline and on the go
  7. I

    [APP] Download thousands of videos for FREE with Tube Downloader Lite

    Thanks for sharing Laurent. Sounds like an interesting app, especially for a frequent travel like myself when faced with crappy in-plane entertainment. Will give it a try.
  8. I

    [Tip] Increase your WP App Revenues by 25% - 40%

    Post edited to provide more information.
  9. I

    [Tip] Increase your WP App Revenues by 25% - 40%

    Description Lotaris in-appCommerce for Windows Developers takes advantage of the fact that Microsoft has decided developers can choose an alternative commerce platform to sell their apps in the Windows Store. Compared to the default Microsoft commerce engine. Lotaris in-appCommerce supports a...
  10. I

    [APP] Row Up! - Knitting Counter

    Hey Bdlou, If you are in the midst of developing for the Windows 8 store, why not consider the Lotaris in-appCommerce solution to help increase your monetization options on Row Up! I do not intend to spam, but for more information on Lotaris in-appCommerce, i had posted a tip on the WPCentral...
  11. I

    [APP] Core Temp Monitor for WP7.5 and up - Testers needed

    Why do you continue to develop for W7? You really should go for W8. I would if i were you.
  12. I

    [Tip] Increase your WP App Revenues with Lotaris in-appCommerce

    Dear developers, If you do not already know, Microsoft has decided that developers can choose an alternative commerce platform to sell their apps on the Windows Phone Store. From that aspect, Lotaris in-appCommerce was launched to be a better and more economical alternative to the default...
  13. I

    Paid vs Free Apps

    You will find that different geographical regions have different purchasing habits. For a fact, consumers in Asia are more used to freemium (in-app purchase) models. Which is something you may wish to consider. For example, if you are selling a game with multiple levels, you could offer the...