Recent content by In Fla

  1. In Fla

    What would it take for you to come back to Windows Mobile?

    Agree. Function, speed and reliability are missing from W10M. Microsoft needs to reinvent it's operating system.
  2. In Fla

    Have you ever wished you could go back to using a dumbphone?

    I think you mean Lumia phones.
  3. In Fla

    Is lack of apps the real WP problem?

    It is not a lack of apps, it is because it is a slow, unreliable system that never gets fixed.
  4. In Fla

    can't turn on wifi

    Computer can't find wifi sites
  5. In Fla

    If you could choose any device...

    The SE is reliable, fast, compact and will get faster updates and longer than the Sony.
  6. In Fla

    Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

    Re: An honest Lumia 920 review: Why I'm returning to an iPhone 5 Four reasons: Reliability, speed, updates, resale value.