Recent content by Jason Burroughs1

  1. J

    How Many replacements are you up to? I am going on my 5th

    Just wondering how many replacements people are up to on the Band 2? My 5th Band has just died. Yet again the band is just shutting off in the middle of the day at least 50% charged. It is only 2 weeks old. The one i had before was D.O.A. out of the box from a Microsoft Store. I was...
  2. J

    Why has my Band 2 stopped turning on?

    Re: Stopped turning on Mine too.. died real quick from full charge and then wont charge. will turn on when plugged in but wont respond to button press or hold a charge. three in one day? hmm
  3. J

    Dead Battery

    Any solution to this issue uselessrobot? I am experiencing the same issue but I cant even get it to respond to either button though. It will boot up and respond to the touch screen after plugging it in but will not charge?
  4. J

    Anyway to adjust sleep time?

    Is there anyway to adjust the time recorded when you fall asleep and/or wake up in the dashboard? I know you can edit the times in fitbit if you forget to enter sleep mode or if you enter it in the middle of the night? The reason why i ask this is because I know I was asleep for at least an...
  5. J

    Why isn't my Band 2 counting the floors I climbed correctly?

    Re: Not sure Band 2 is counting floors climbed correctly Sorry but did not see a post of this before starting a new thread but here is my issue: OK so yesterday I noticed that the my band said that I had climbed 10+ floors where as my fitbit one recorded only 4 floors... I started to think...
  6. J

    Any signs of wear yet?

    First day I had it there is a little nick on the upper left corner like a pin hole.. received it within hours. Not a big deal bit frustrating. I do blame my self because have not worn a watch for over 15 years and probably was rough with it LOL. I actually wear minon both in and out...
  7. J

    Steps on Health and Band 2

    I noticed this also but then thought maybe it was the phone recording the steps before syncing?
  8. J

    Is it available in stores today???

    kingboby jr, Sorry but this is my first band... I cant comment on the fit because I am a gymnastics teacher and this is the first anything on my wrist in over 15 years. I can say that is is very irritable at the moment though. Glad I asked about return policy, but probably will keep it.;)...
  9. J

    Is it available in stores today???

    Picked mine up from a Best Buy... in Connecticut most best buys only have one of each size in stock so to say trumbull ct does not have anyh mediums. :wink: