Recent content by JHunsaker

  1. J

    Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

    I am having the same problem and checked the battery usage by app today and the Microsoft health app has used 71 % of the battery from the last day and I haven't even opened the app in a week. Is this app a common problem for everyone?
  2. J

    Is it just me or are universal apps picking up momentum?

    I agree. Hoping for a return of the Chase app so I can take pictures of checks to deposit.
  3. J

    Netflix cannot play protected content

    I just ran into this issue and I would not have been happy if Netflix didn't work on windows 10. Thanks for posting the fix.
  4. J

    Lumia ICON stuck on 10586.164

    Has anyone with an icon able to upgrade to build 14322? I just bought a used icon and was finally able to get build 10586.218 installed after several days of the update app saying I was up-to-date. Been really enjoying windows 10 though and haven't experienced any problems so far.
  5. J

    Windows 10 configuration update

    I have opened the windows insider app and selected Get preview builds and the selected the fast ring option. It then says it is going to start installing the new build but need to reboot phone first. After rebooting, no update starts and my phone is still on 8.1.
  6. J

    Windows 10 configuration update

    I just received an update which said something like windows 10 configuration update. Does that mean the HTC 8X can get the new windows 10 mobile builds? I tried using the windows insider app to get the build and it just reboots the phone without doing anything. I heard you might need to have...
  7. J

    Windows 10 mobile phone app

    I recently tried the windows 10 mobile preview and all of my tiles were removed and I can't find the phone app to make calls. I have the Lumia 928 and thus is really bugging me. Anyone have any ideas? Do I need to do a hard reset?
  8. J

    Xbox One vs. PS4

    I don't really agree that the best selling platform automatically becomes the lead platform for development. I am sure there are many more factors than that. Such as the studios familiarity with the development tools for a given platform, along with that is the ease of development, and another...
  9. J

    Xbox One vs. PS4

    I am not really sure why it matters if Xbox one outsells ps4. I have an Xbox one and love it. If the Xbox one starts outselling ps4, what is going to change? Answer, nothing. It's not like Xbox one isn't selling at all.
  10. J

    Constantly 'no services icon is on

    This has been happening to me a lot lately too. Started after getting the 8.1 update, but has been getting worse recently. Also, get an error message saying can't send message when trying to send texts. This also seems to be happening a lot more lately. Starting to get really tired of these...
  11. J

    OneDrive on two devices with same Microsoft Account

    Have you looked into the family room features? It gives you the ability to have a synced calendar, photos, and OneNotes with as many people as you want.
  12. J

    Just me or is the Podcast app...pretty bad

    I used this app everyday while at work but starting about 2 weeks ago the app started crashing while it updates the subscribed podcasts. This makes the app unusable as it tries to update when it first loads but it crashes/closes everytime. Microsoft please fix this issue.
  13. J

    Nokia exclusive apps

    Sorry if this has been answered previously, but are the Nokia exclusive apps coming to all windows phones now that Microsoft bought the devices portion of Nokia? Would be sweet to get all those apps on my 8x.
  14. J

    Is Minecraft coming to WP?

    With the popularity of Minecraft, WP needs this game to attract the younger generations. Is there any news about Minecraft ever coming to WP? Would be really cool to play on Xbox one and then continue same map on WP.
  15. J

    Considering going from HTC 8X to Icon

    My wife has this happen on her Lumia 822 but not nearly as often as my 8X.