Recent content by kraski

  1. kraski

    BlueAnt T1 Giveaway

    Thanks. I forget where I found that. I think it was part of an "abstract" wallpaper set -- it's computer generated art.
  2. kraski

    AT&T Tilt 2 Problem/s

    She may not even realize she's doing that. Unless set otherwise, I believe the default is to leave things running. Nice if you're using only a few apps & you shut down or reset periodically. It allows for quick restarts, instead of waiting the usual startup time. But, if your phone is on for...
  3. kraski

    BlueAnt T1 Giveaway

    I've won a few things, here. So, I'm exempting myself from being eligible for any of the prizes. But here's my Throttlelauncher home page:
  4. kraski

    Expansion card folders labeled "Inbox"

    All of the above can be right. Also, if you've set your phone to allow using the sd card for mail, if there's space, the phone will automatically move all your mail folders to the card, as well.
  5. kraski

    Touch Pro 2 Set Up

    1) DTreo's right. The WinMo alarm is definitely lacking. G-Alarm is my favorite, too. It's a paid app, but worth it. It'll use your music files, in rotation, as your alarm sounds. It doesn't continue on till you shut it off -- it runs for the preset length you selected, snoozes, returns...
  6. kraski

    Got one

    Both Google sync & MS's MyPhone will sync contacts & calendar stuff. I use both to keep two phones & an Android experiment all matched.
  7. kraski


    I'm assuming, since you're in this forum section, that they forced you to switch to a TP2. How fast or slow WM 6.5 is on the TP2 will partly depend on what carrier bloatware is installed (that depends on your carrier) & whether it came with WM 6.5 or the phone was upgraded to it. So check the...
  8. kraski


    Sorry to hear You've had such issues with WM 6.5. That hasn't been my experience, for the most part. Install the wrong apps or the wrong combination of apps & you can make any OS unstable. Even Apple's various OSes, since they're linux based. And they're all going to have background tasks...
  9. kraski

    SpB Mobile Shell 3.5

    One warning with Androkkid. It's a work in progress & Simo's taking a little vacation from programming. Androkkid is very nice, Dirk's widgets really take it up a notch, but right now there's no landscape mode. A suggestion, if you want to retry MS or any of the other UIs. I mentioned...
  10. kraski


    Hi, Shane! I'm going to disagree with dtreo. Since you're an iPhone owner, you're a GSM customer. And AT&T's Tilt2 (their version of the TP2) is excellent. Great screen, carrier bloatware was minimized & mostly useful, And data speeds are certainly going to be tons better than what you get...
  11. kraski

    SpB Mobile Shell 3.5

    Sounds like you have a few tweaks I'll have to check out. OK. Titanium shows in the Today screen checkbox list as "Windows Default". If you check that, don't check off anything else. It's a UI of its own. And there are a bunch of interesting tweaks for it at xda-developers. I particularly...
  12. kraski

    SpB Mobile Shell 3.5

    Hi, Yank. Good to see you here. Which TP2 do you have? Mine's the Tilt2 from AT&T. Thanks to a neat little shellswitcher from xda-developers, I have Pointui 2, Androkkid, Mobile Shell 3.5.5, Touchflo, Titanium & Throttlelauncher alternating on my phone. I tried MS 3.0-3.5 several times...
  13. kraski

    Is anyone else experiencing these glitches?

    Ah, yes. The usual strong support from M$. :( As for #3, I basically followed your suggestion when the phone said it was loading the beta version. The "about" screen says nothing about beta, so I'll leave it alone before I break something. :rolleyes:
  14. kraski

    Is anyone else experiencing these glitches?

    Since getting my Tilt2, I've experimented with apps, UIs, etc. Some from the Marketplace, some not. And some of these got uninstalled because I didn't like them, some didn't like my phone, & others got uninstalled via reset. :p All of this has left me with several issues with Marketplace...
  15. kraski

    Jawbone Icon Question

    That's now a moot point, since the Icon has a firmware update that supports music streaming. Too late for me, having gone with the Voyager Pro for normal use & the 903 for BT music listening (both from Plantronics).