Recent content by Lumia 8x

  1. L

    Microsoft ceo uses an apple iPhone ?

    So what? The man is rich, he can do whatever he wants. And he is in America.
  2. L

    Cortana's Disappointing Performance

    I have first generation WP8 , HTC 8x. I know Cortana is still in beta but I have a feeling that the performance won't be any better when it goes beta free. It takes too long to launch it and it is a hit and miss when I try to play music by voice. Sometimes it's fast and accurate sometimes it...
  3. L

    Ban the post above you! Game!

    I banned you because ***** that's why!
  4. L

    Asus Zenbook NX500 pricing&availability revealed for North America

    In the video, the spokeswoman said it will be available around September base price starting at $1899. I am really excited for this machine and I can't wait to get one!
  5. L

    List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.

    Xbox music is beyond useless now. Pisses me off.
  6. L

    When will we see new WP devices?

    Ha guess what? They didn't announce any phones during MWC!
  7. L

    Glossy or Matt white? Please help!

    Do I have to give you an advice for picking between white and Asian girls too? Go with a color that you like.
  8. L

    Anyone having low res Facebook profile pic for your me hub?

    Out of the blue low res me tile pic is back yet again.
  9. L

    What is your "backup plan? ?

    Blackberry 10 because security plays in huge factor now days and it is the right thing to protect yourself.
  10. L

    Any windows phone / blackberry users out there?

    Good to see some diversities here!
  11. L

    Any windows phone / blackberry users out there?

    I would like to hear your thoughts on why you have both OSes or transferred to the other side. I have both because of awesome qwerty blackberry keyboard and modern WP design and great communication features in the WP. Two of the best in the world.
  12. L

    Live Tiles aren't what you think it is.

    3rd party live tiles takes longer to flip than 1st party live tiles like groups, and Me. I hate staaring at the tile to flip just to see the new notification. Also I wish Microsoft would update how fast me tile gets new notification. For once I wish my me tile flips instantly after I got new...
  13. L

    other storage problem

    If they don't fix other storage issue by next year I am not buying another WP....
  14. L

    Switched from WP to Android - Want to Come Back. 8X? (Verizon)

    One year old 8x user here. No the first wp8 Gen devices are no way lacking behind.
  15. L

    GDR3 Developer Preview Bug List

    Re: Bug in GDR3, bing icon oh wow.. Nice catch.