Recent content by Major Plonquer

  1. M

    I need to know a good music player compatible with windows 10

    Like you I have a MASSIVE library with well over 500,000 tracks and a few hundred thousand TV shows and movies. There is NOTHING on Windows 10 that does the job. They are mostly for teenies who have a few downloaded music files. For the past 10 years I've used software from Jriver. It's...
  2. M

    What is actually a Surface Phone? Mary Jo Foley believes ...

    It will have a 4" screen. And a 6" screen. And a 9" screen. And a 12" screen. And a stylus too.
  3. M

    Nadella should he stay or should he go?

    America is not a big market anymore now that the BIG Asian countries are taking the lead. Frankly, few people care about what happens in USA anymore.
  4. M

    Despite mass adoption rate of Windows 10, developers still tepid on creating apps...

    People need to remember that there's a HUGE difference between mobile phone apps that are nothing more than a few hundred lines of kiddie-script Java or C# code and Windows applications which can take dozens of man-years to design and build and can run to millions of lines of code. You can't run...
  5. M

    950XL features leaked

    Re: 940XL features leaked I'm going to wait for the rectal scanner. But I think Android will have one first.
  6. M

    Why is the battery draining while my laptop is shut down in Windows 10?

    I have exactly the same problem with my SP2 Pro. It wakes up in my bag and gets very hot. Tried everything. No avail.
  7. M

    I don't see Continuum as game changer, what is the practical use of Continuum?

    Everyone seems to be thinking about Continuum in the framework of what we have today and not thinking it through. It's not a product. It's not a feature of a product either. It is truly a game changer - in business. It's a new business model. In the beginning we had PCs. Companies like...
  8. M

    Cortana vs Google Now

    Have you noticed how many people in this forum refer to Google Now as "it" and Cortana as "she"? The jury's in.
  9. M

    Running into 80188308 installing GDR1 or Pre Update

    Re: Running into Problem 80188308 installiing GDR1 or Pre Update Same problem on Lumia 920 running on China Unicom.
  10. M

    MS Surface 2 or Nokia 'Sirius' RT?

    When Android or iOS were the same age as RT is now they had far, far, far fewer apps. Now they have more. Same will happen with RT. But given your logic, why would anyone use Android or iOS when you can get access to the hundreds of millions of Windows apps on Surface Pro/8.1? By comparison...