Recent content by Mark_JS

  1. M

    If you had to add a feature to W10M, what would it be?

    A way / application to customize on-screen keyboard keys. Esp. the ability to disable the weird - 'move up bottom of active window' and the 'X' buttons on the top row. Many times I hit them accidently, and would like to disable them for that reason. :wink:
  2. M

    Surface 3 cases

    Good idea if you're in the US. I am often but not that much. So something that has more comprehensive protection is desirable.
  3. M

    What are the must have apps for Surface 3?

    These are what I have on my S3: --AV - Windows Defender --ZoneAlarm free download firewall and running in auto-learn mode. --Browsers --From MS store: Solitaire HD - nice --Control Panel Ease Of Access- OnScreen Kboard pinned to Taskbar. --Giving me two to choose from. --Skype...
  4. M

    Surface 3 cases

    I'm looking for a rugged folio (portfolio) as well. But what is the point of protecting the actual Surface if one accidental tug on a cable can render the charge port useless? Or one accidental jerk on a cable can destroy the USB port? What I'm looking for is a folio that protects the tablet...