Recent content by me just saying

  1. me just saying

    Post pictures of your latest purchase

    I give up, had to get rid of two amazon echo shows. Got tired of all the unwanted content amazon is tossing on them. Some are removable and some are not but you have to check every few days to see if anything unwanted was added that can be removed. So I replaced two of the three I owned...
  2. me just saying

    Post pictures of your latest purchase

    -New toy - oneplus pad. fedex delivered it this morning. First non samsung tablet in years. I was considering the Samsung Galaxy s7fe but then I saw a review for the oneplus. It was a bit better in general at a cheaper price. They were running a special, so I got the keyboard/case...
  3. me just saying

    Post pictures of your latest purchase

    Penalty - if there is one, hopefully it will just be a warning letter about too many returns. As long as they don't ban your account because of too many returns.
  4. me just saying

    Should I buy a new laptop now or wait?

    buy it now and by the time you enter college you will need a new one. As far as gaming, imo, your budget is a bit low for a proper gaming laptop.
  5. me just saying

    ChatGPT is popular but people don't seem to be willing to pay for it

    Last I heard the subscription price was 20 bucks a month. Aint no way. Maybe 5 but not 20.
  6. me just saying

    Poll: Would you pay to use ChatGPT?

    nope, ain't no way, ain't goin pay for nothin especially if still in beta. Not interest in chatgpt at all.
  7. me just saying

    Post pictures of your latest purchase

    My latest toy. Got it yesterday. Spent hours getting it setup and still going to take more time. Even though most settings and all of my apps copied over, they still needed maintenance since the launcher I used did not copy over nor did the icons. One thing for sure, glad to have a built...
  8. me just saying

    No Comments = No Engagement

    they removed comments on allt of their properties I belong to. I quit read their articles because of this. Comments will sometimes bring out points not mentioned in the article. I have learned from reading comments, especially those replies to mine. I read they may eventually bring...
  9. me just saying

    T-Mobile Home Internet $25/mo for life promotion

    I wonder what the catch is for that service. Seems to me they had similar offers in the past and they did not keep their promise. Would be worth checking out but unfortunately tmobile signal is so bad in my area, that it only works outside.
  10. me just saying

    Todays Post link not working

    I run linux ubuntu. Just updated to latest version of ubuntu and everything seems to work now. Thanks
  11. me just saying

    Todays Post link not working

    the problem persists no matter the browser.
  12. me just saying

    Todays Post link not working

    The Today's Posts link at the top of the page is not working. Keep getting the message Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
  13. me just saying

    What are you listening to right now?

    audiobook Rise of the Cheat Potion Maker, Book 1: A Cultivation LitRPG Saga By: Alvin Atwater Narrated by: Matt Hicks , Allie Piper
  14. me just saying

    Post pictures of your latest purchase

    Lucky amazon did not lock your account :-) I have been reading amazon has been doing a lot of account locking lately because of returns.