Recent content by midflow

  1. midflow

    Auto change lock screen (wallpaper)

    Auto wallpaper free has updated with "default images". Many thanks for using it!
  2. midflow

    Auto change lock screen (wallpaper)

    I will update it soon
  3. midflow

    Auto change lock screen (wallpaper)

    No. But you should add about 30 images.
  4. midflow

    Auto change lock screen (wallpaper)

    AC Wallpaper Free is an app that allows you set you wallpaper change periodically with three choices: default images, your images, Rss images. Default images: the added images in this app Your images: you can select your favorite images, crop it as you want and set it as dynamic wallpaper Rss...
  5. midflow

    Image Tiles - Pin your image to home screen

    Thanks for your comment. It's just the first app I have made and I will update it soon.