Recent content by PandaCodeRed

  1. P

    Latest Firmware update extended battery life!

    I haven't noticed any increase on my band, but I am incredibly hard on my band and it only ever lasts a day before it needs to be charge. I keep mine in watch mode, and I usually have my band in run/workout mode for about 2 and a half hours a day. Plus I get around 40 emails and texts daily...
  2. P

    Feature Suggestions for Microsoft Band?

    Bike Mode Sport Mode Run keeper keeps sending me emails congratulating me on all the strength training I'm doing. When I'm really just biking and playing basketball...
  3. P

    [BAND] Buyer's Remorse?

    No remorse for me yet. My first fitness tracker and it is great. I find it really conferrable, and pretty accurate. My only complaint is battery life seems a bit short.
  4. P

    Accuracy on a treadmill

    I got my band Saturday and I haven't even had the chance to calibrate it with GPS yet as it is too cold to run outside in Chicago right now. But I have done two 5k treadmill runs. Both were spot on in terms of distance and only 10 calorie difference from the treadmill machine. I am very happy...