Recent content by PramodhN

  1. P

    How to add new Facebook profile pic in WP 8.1?

    Yes yes I have! Still doesn't seem to work.
  2. P

    How to add new Facebook profile pic in WP 8.1?

    @himanshu - it only changes my hotmail profile pic. Not Facebook..
  3. P

    How to add new Facebook profile pic in WP 8.1?

    I'm not able to do it with new me tile, can't find an option in fb app or in browser..
  4. P

    How to reset defaults with Cortana?

    Everyday, Cortana shows me the weather in Fahrenheit. But I want her to show me the weather in Celsius. What command do I use to set that as default value?
  5. P

    music player in wp 8.1 is really bad!

    Yeah same here! Also the live tile doesn't update based on the song which is currently playing :(
  6. P

    Notification missing in me tile

    I clicked on 'hide' accidentally on notification page on me tile and I don't know how to get it back! Can someone tell me how to get that back?
  7. P

    WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

    Push notifications aren't working at all!! :angry: Not sure if it is an issue with whatsapp or microsoft. But this SUCKS!!!!
  8. P

    Strange WP8 Storage problem

    Hey, I use HTC 8X and recently encountered this strange stuff. :shocked: As you can see, 'apps' shows it used up 0 bytes. What's wrong? How do I fix this? :amaze:
  9. P

    HTC 8X. Cant unblock blocked apps from running in the background

    @DJRedLine-Tried but doesn't work.
  10. P

    HTC 8X. Cant unblock blocked apps from running in the background

    Hi, I recently blocked an app from running in the background in the background tasks. But now I want to unblock it but can't find out how. There is an checkbox that says app will be unblocked next time it opens but that doesn't seem to be happening how many ever times I try. How do I fix this issue?