Recent content by shadowbaneNZSP

  1. S

    Microsoft stopped WP8.1 Developer Preview update for all devices.

    Yeah,Huawei did a nice update before 8.1 then ,,,,, Sent from my HUAWEI W1-C00 using Tapatalk
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    WP 8.1 - error 80188309

    three days passed! sh t ms wp support
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    Easy way to WP8.1 dev preview

    i think it WILL do harm to your phone!
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    Easy way to WP8.1 dev preview

    thx for your sharing but really dont need to update like this.
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    WP 8.1 - error 80188309

    someone said in Tieba w1, “update " your w1with the 5310 package(a very old version) , and then update 8.1,there will be a success! ps:his w1 was not any ISP Custom machine,.
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    WP 8.1 - error 80188309

    up up the same problem and critical error codes! why??? why moved this thread???
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    Has there been any bad update problems?

    continue to update man, there will be 3 updates for some lazy man until you find 8.1 at last!
  8. S

    Has there been any bad update problems?

    All Huawei windowsphone devices includes W1 and w2 all failed! not only in china,but all over the world,you know there are many W1/2 users in the world. Although updating failed, they still can use well. and some of the HTC 8s/x failed aslo,Telecom model;some became bricks!
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    WP 8.1 - error 80188309

    another W1 updated failed again ****! huawei or MS,dm you!
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    Post your latest Start Screen & Backgrounds!

    Re: WP 8.1 Start Screen Official Thread and Backgrounds! Thanks for your delicious sharing guys! very nice!
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    Re: 关于wp8.1开发者预览版更新推送时间技术性推测 wow!It begins! my w1 has received the info. of wp8.1 update! but now im not in a wifi envrionment,so i have to find one ASAP!:grin:
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    关于wp8.1开发者预览版更新推送时间技术性推测 微软总部在Redmond,这个城市在华盛顿州,华盛顿州是属于太平洋时区PST(比北京时间晚16个小时), 但是由于今年美国已于3月9号进入夏令时,故redmond现在已变更为太平洋夏季时间PDT,比北京时间晚15个小时,以上属于严格计算; 接着继续推测:假设微软当地时间4月14日周一上午九点上班,10点发布WP8.1升级消息,换做北京时间为4月15日凌晨一点!---不成熟浅见,请勿拍砖!