Recent content by suexilin

  1. suexilin

    Nokia Lumia 720 Screen Rotation Problem

    I had the same problem, It comes and goes , sometimes soft reset helps, sometimes just restarting it helps, sometimes neither of them works. I can't understand what causes the rotation to disappear exactly, and on what time intervals it disappears. Sigh. I hope they are aware of it and fix it...
  2. suexilin

    Lumia 720 User Media

    Hand resting on the table for stability, obviously hand held, no flash. Love this phone. :)
  3. suexilin

    Lumia 720 User Media

    Hand held low light shot from the dinner. Quite happy with the result. :)
  4. suexilin

    Planning to buy this phone and have some questions .

    1. You can read ebooks freely, I use Freda for that. It syncs with books I've put on skydrive. No idea about ebooks on the market place, I get my books through other channels :) 2. You can definitely watch videos from your sd card. I don't know about downloading from youtube, never done it, but...
  5. suexilin

    Lumia 720 User Media

    I got my Lumia few days ago, still in awe :) and this one and this too The camera is spectacular for such an affordable phone. :smile: