Recent content by teckels

  1. teckels

    MANGO update in progress

    So how did the update go? I too had the 7392 update.
  2. teckels

    Battery Cover

    Hey, my battery cover is getting loose, any quick fixes that have worked for you?
  3. teckels

    So what do you think of WP7?

    I'm very exicted, I think it will be a different experience than 6.x but I think that's a good thing. Personally I'm kinda mad because I'm up for a new phone in June and although I don't like anything out now, all I'm really looking for in addition to my phone is stable GPS and Wifi. Not sure...
  4. teckels

    5 Viewing

    How are there always people viewing this thread and no one posts anything? I'm looking for any reason to talk about the Touch but it seems like me and that other guy are the only ones that post in here. Yet, there is always someone viewing, what are you viewing?
  5. teckels

    PPC Geeks forum hijacked

    can anyone break down the point of someone doing that? revenge, social status, personal achievement? Is someone sponsoring these people that's goal is to eat away your harddrive and things like that?
  6. teckels

    Is TP2 worth buying as of today

    The above statement from bigant is exactly what's wrong with the general public not loving winmo phones. I use nfsfan's custom 6.5 rom on a three year old phone and love it, but the average person running standard verizon 6.0 on a three year old touch probably hates it. There has to be a...
  7. teckels

    Virgin Mobile in UK getting HD2? (Sprint?)

    And Virgin is GSM anyway from what I remember. (might not be accurate.)
  8. teckels

    HD2 Quadband

    I was looking on eBay for fun and noticed that the HD2 is quadband, and shows what the batterylife will be with WCDMA usage. Does that mean I could purchase this for $789 albeit, and use it on Verizon? Would I have to do anything else? Wouldn't they be unsure about programming a phone they...
  9. teckels

    Touch vs. iPhone vs. N95 Usability Study

    The best thing I like about my Touch is that this article came out two years ago, before there was even a US version, and I've been able to upgrade two major OS versions while keeping the same device.
  10. teckels

    HTC Touch Windows Mobile 6.5

    this one worked for me. Big D5 I wish there was a hug button instead of a thanks. I'm better and messing with these phones than searching the forums. Thanks so much I'm all hooked up.
  11. teckels

    HTC Touch Windows Mobile 6.5

    Someone knows, they just need to see this post.
  12. teckels

    HTC Touch Windows Mobile 6.5

    Is there any way to put 6.5 on a Touch? I just loaded Mighty Rom on a Touch Pro but becuase of the keyboard and poor touch screen on the Pro I would rather get it on my old Touch. I used the change pool program to appropriatley allocate the Pro, is that possible for the Touch?
  13. teckels

    What's on your today screen?

    Verizon 6900 6.1 Does this have to be 6.5? Oh well, here's what I'm working with. I don't know how to insert it. Pretty boring but if you look close I've put some work into this with the help of HTC Home Customizer and a few others.
  14. teckels

    [Official] Verizon Touch Pro give away thread

    Thanks, I saw that the last freebie was chosen at random, so I was getting nervous.
  15. teckels

    [Official] Verizon Touch Pro give away thread

    Did anyone get an email or pm? Do I still have a chance? I'm glad I tried, surprised by the effort too.