Recent content by Tiredone

  1. T

    02/13/2010 - Celio Smartphone Dock

    Umm, you might want to check the date on that story, it was from February 13th, that is over 2 years to my Wolfhound, or forever in high tech industries.
  2. T

    Do WM6.5 21501 roms work with Redfly?

    Sadly the end of support for the C8 means the end of my support for the Redfly platform and Celio. I have now been repeatedly disappointed by lack of focus by Celio on their stated market goals. I do not want, need or care about BB or Iphone or android support. I am sure that a major part of...
  3. T

    Do WM6.5 21501 roms work with Redfly?

    Still waiting as I Tilt 2wards a new phone.
  4. T

    Network socket

    While my girlfriend who is also a Redfly user was in the hospital they provided wired Ethernet internet access but NO wifi is allowed NOR is 3G or other wireless signals. If there was a usb connectible Ethernet dongle and a driver available she could have put her Tilt in Airplane mode and...
  5. T

    redfly dock+software

    That would make me sad. The Redfly can actually do 800x600 through the vga port. Thats actually better for me (Really bad eyes). A viewer based device would add a lot of cost and complexity that I don't want or need. I won't have any need or use for something that does what I can do with the...
  6. T

    redfly dock+software

    Well, Leo is better than Virgo I was hoping for sooner but I'll just keep bashing my fingers with the hammer till then. Is the Dock going to be as was early on stated just basically the guts of a Redfly, or as implied in this thread, based on the Redfly Viewer software thus having its own CPU...
  7. T

    redfly dock+software

    Any News??? Any news on the Dock? Should I be thinking in terms of Cinco de Mayo, Flag day, Independence day, Bastille day, my birthday?
  8. T

    Spare power bricks?

    I have 2 of the wall adapters and a car adapter and have had no problems at all with the power plugs not seating well in the Redfly. Are you using some weird UK or EU power adapter?
  9. T

    mobile viewer

    Just an idea for those wanting drag and drop of files, have you tried using Tools, Explorer and then dropping the files into the window that opens?
  10. T

    Mobile Viewer Beta Plus new REDFLY Driver/Firmware

    For some reason my mbile viewer says its a 30 day demo, not 60 :( Any word on price yet? BTW, so far I love it.
  11. T

    A serious threat to the Redfly

    Zad, I am using Hyperdragon III. I've been using it for about 5 months. Very stable, very fast, almost never have to reset, maybe once every 6-8 weeks. The only issue I've had is that I don't have the manual for the Touch Diamond that the ROM is based on so it took a while to figure out the...
  12. T

    What OS Do You Run on Your PC?

    Windows 2000 Server Windows 2003 Server Windows 2008 Server Windows XP Windows XP64 Windows 7 beta - slightly disappointing stability, good speed.
  13. T

    any news on the smartphone dock?

    I'm dying for this to come out....
  14. T

    A serious threat to the Redfly

    I have found the responsiveness excellent, on a Tilt with a cooked ROM, and somewhat adequate on a Tilt with a standard ATT ROM. It seems that the carriers bloatware eats up all the processor resources as fast as the manufacturers make a faster phone. I can actually get good responsiveness out...
  15. T

    Some PDA's (no network connection; but?)

    Has anyone ever looked at this? Any idea how much?