Recent content by ts1506

  1. ts1506

    HP Stream 7 or 8? What did you get?

    I got the Stream 7, primarily cause of two reasons 1. Dont need the 3G SIM slot (no free data in India either) 2. Stream 8 is nearly twice as costly (around 16500 INR vs 8500 for 7). Honestly, the 7 inch size doesnt bother me at all, I prefer the smaller one more as it fits in cargo pockets...
  2. ts1506

    take a screen shot on my HP Stream 7

    I just got my HP Stream 7 few days back, and was in the same dilemma as none of the shortcuts seen to work. However, I did find an app which works. Its called MetroShot, its there in the Windows Store, You just select Screenshot from Share menu, and share it to the app, and it saves to Pictures...
  3. ts1506

    By profession I am a...

    Engineering student
  4. ts1506

    All About the Lumia 625

    MSM8227 doesn't support encoding 1080p unlike MSM8930. Anyway, Nokia 808 could record 1080p with only 1.3ghz ARMv6 and videocore 4 Sent from my Lumia 510 using Tapatalk
  5. ts1506

    Upgrade for windows 7.8

    As far as I know, Lumia 510 came with 7.8 out of the box Sent from my Lumia 510 using Tapatalk