Recent content by VengenceIsMine

  1. V

    Anyone else sick of AT&T WP exclusives?

    A lot of you are either just dumb or ********. Obviously Nokia would love to have their products on all the major US carriers but it's the carriers who have the leverage here. AT&T makes it a condition that they get an exclusive or they won't carry it. They are using their market power over a...
  2. V

    1520 different variants

    Do you have a definitive source for this? I've seen different bands listed in different press releases but nothing definitive showing the RM-938 with Band 4 like you state.
  3. V

    Disappointed with AT&T variant?

    re: Disappointed with AT&T variant? Highly. I will not be switching from TMobile for this neutered version. Hopefully there will be an international version that I can get that will work well on T-Mobile, otherwise wait til spring for a Win 8.1 phone release or just cave and get a Nexus 5.