Ideas and Uses


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Sep 25, 2014
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Have you ever tried WiU boxing? I mean that was bad and I don't mean good! 😝 Maybe now you could train with a real couch...

I would love to train with a couch.

New idea: Virtual timer that's in the form of something scary that comes closer until the timer runs out. Then your computer shuts down.


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Mar 31, 2015
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I'd like to get the idea out to Microsoft to offer a model of the Hololens that is certified as "safety glasses". I work in the chemical industry and see a lot of potential in using this in all types of industrial setting including in the field. Such as having a vendor or expert watch me work on a piece of equipment and offer training, advice, and trouble shooting. That being said, for companies to let us use this in the field it would need to qualify as eye protection. Also, it would be helpful if it didn't impede the person wearing this from wearing their hard hat at the same time.


Jan 3, 2013
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... +once the technology matures and miniaturizes to the point you wouldn't be embarrassed to wear it outside the house.
I'll happily wear my HoloLens outside the house. I won't have it on all the time but I'll certainly have it with me and I'll put it on when I need it. e.g. On the bus or train or when I am trying to find some place I've never been to before. It is just something people will have to get used to, like bicycle helmets - they have been a legal requirement in Australia for the last 25 years or so and now you don't even notice, but when the laws first came in people wearing them looked like idiots. In fact, if you wore your HoloLens under your bicycle helmet, it would just look like you were wearing sunglasses and headphones (and using HoloLens whilst cycling would be awesome).


Jan 3, 2013
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If this is what people really want to do with HoloLens then I despair for the future of the world. Here are a couple of app ideas for medical/health things:

Emergency Assistance App - calls an ambulance and/or guides you through emergency procedures like CPR, with extra assistance from emergency responders via Skype.

Parkinson's Assist App - many Parkinson's sufferers need a little help to get themselves moving. An app could provides lines on the path ahead of them, which helps them get their feet moving.

In general I want HoloLens to replace my tablet and maybe my smartphone, too (if it has 4G/LTE). I'll want it to handle all my communication - calls, SMS and email - as well as navigation, calendar, etc. I also want to use it instead of my computer monitor to watch videos and streaming TV/movies. It could replace my big screen TV by projecting onto a wall, which I would paint black to maximise the image quality, as well as being able to project content from my DVR, using DLNA. That way I could watch free-to-air TV and DVDs with my HoloLens.

That's the bottom line for me - I don't see that it needs to do anything especially amazing because it will be able to do all the mundane things in an amazing way. And that is how I think it will succeed (or fail).


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Apr 14, 2015
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I am surprised that no one has said this on here...
Virtual Assistant. Think Cortana except its actually a person. This seems like the most likely thing since it is built on Win 10 anyways.

my next idea was a Haloworld. You can essentially create things in your own Haloworld and place them anywhere. You would then control your access rights to your own Haloworld (like file sharing) and could allow others to see your projects. I would imagine there to be a public domain as well where if you were to walk outside, you would get bombarded with marketing, sculpture graffiti, and other crazy things. I am just picturing two people playing with a virtual dinosaur on the corner while the Superbowl lights up the sky, all the while I have my own person walking musician walking next to me.
As an engineer, the design ideas are endless with making catalogs of parts available from online services managed by the vendors, suppliers, etc...

Cooking instructional demonstrations in your kitchen (and virtual cataloging so you don't forget where everything is).

Interior Design studios from manufacturers... I.e. How is that couch going to look and fit in my living room...

Virtual speeches/press confrences...

I could go on...

Yes, It has potential. Walking inside your home before decorated but watching the proposed design


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Apr 28, 2015
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Working on your main monitors and being able to move extra windows and documents off into space around the monitors would help a lot with anything requiring a lot of back and forth referencing. I often have piles of papers around me, multiple texts, and there's currently no way to replicate this digitally. Hololens could be a step in that direction.

Gert Braakman

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May 12, 2015
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The astounding thing about the Hololens is that the number of applications is infinite. When you observe what you're doing during the day, ideas keep popping up; food, travel, health, money, home, style, environment redesign, dating and relationships. The list is endless. I've created a site at were I collect information about hololens applications and hololens technology. There is so much going on that tracking and compiling information should be a joint effort so you're welcome to join in and discuss share ideas and news.


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May 23, 2015
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Horror movies, like that girl from movie "the ring" coming out of TV. and for charity too by making people understand how victims of natural calamity feel , I think it will definitely improve charity. Just a thought .


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May 6, 2015
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You could use it like this Kickstarter proposes:
[I can't add links yet but type "hologram flying drone simulator for microsoft hololens!" into google and you should find the Kickstarter page]

If you pledge over $1,000 then you get... a typed thank you letter!

Judging by that guy's profile he seems to think Kickstarter is an easy way to get free money. He doesn't appear to have ever raised a cent for any of his projects though.

Poppy Ann

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Aug 26, 2015
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For me I would use it for radio controlled models and have HoloLens put up the view from the model along with telemetry information as a head up display to show height, direction, orientation, speed and power left as then you can fly (drones) and keep within the rules which state the operator must have direct eye view of the model.

For use like this it must be able to input video direct into the HoloLens.

also the price must be somewhere within the normal consumer price range similar to a mobile phone which would put it between $100 and $500 not up in the $1000 mark or it would not catch on it is only when the majority of people can afford an item that it becomes mainstream just like mobile phones and drones they came out so high only very well off people could afford them but as the price dropped everyday people got hold of them

it is better to get 5% of thousands than 50% off tens.
Regards Poppy Ann.


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Jul 27, 2013
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There is no way this will be in the $100-$500 range for years. The tech and R&D in this would preclude that kind of pricing. Maybe some third party might come out with a cheap version, like some of the recent 2 in 1's verses the Surface line, but the HoloLens is always gong to be a premium device with a premium price tag.

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