Lumia 950/XL pulled from MS Store?


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Jan 7, 2013
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Might be waiting a while for the dollar to pick up. There's been a discussion on Whirlpool about the price and when you take into account th conversion rate (thanks crappy dollar), tax (not included in the US price), and things like logistics to get the phones here (Oz), the price isn't too far off what they are asking here.

I haven't been following the Whirlpool discussion but if you look at the USD cost of the other devices they are selling, like the Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book, convert to AUD at about 71c and then add GST the prices are pretty much equivalent. BUT if you do the same with the 950 & 950XL then the AUD prices are $250-$300 more expensive than they 'should' be.
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Feb 18, 2011
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Perhaps they were prototypes, and production phones are about ready.

Didn't someone show it was running Windows Mobile 10 Dev Preview in the store ?

Is WM10 in RTM yet anyway ? I know we are going to a RC (release candidate) on the newest build but, I didn't think they hit RTM yet...Meaning it would of been a beta in the store...

Did it even pass the FCC yet ? IF not, they could be pulling for that...


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Dec 31, 2012
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Didn't someone show it was running Windows Mobile 10 Dev Preview in the store ?

Is WM10 in RTM yet anyway ? I know we are going to a RC (release candidate) on the newest build but, I didn't think they hit RTM yet...Meaning it would of been a beta in the store...

Did it even pass the FCC yet ? IF not, they could be pulling for that...

The 950XL in the store was running the current Preview version, 10549. Which explains why it was so fast, that version is pretty fast and smooth even on my Lumia 635 (and as far as I can tell as fast as the 950XL on my Icon).

I imagine that the W10M it will run on release will also essentially be a preview version and that the "finished" version will come out a couple of months later, based on everything that's been written so far.
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Feb 18, 2011
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I imagine that the W10M it will run on release will also essentially be a preview version and that the "finished" version will come out a couple of months later, based on everything that's been written so far.

I would bet closer to a RC or really refined RC on the final of these devices.... Then they were claiming that it will hit RTM soon. I bet thousands of phones are sitting in a LARGE room fully built just waiting for the software to be flashed on them....

Then off to AT&T users....Dam you Microsoft and Verizon....


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Jun 20, 2011
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I was inviting a discussion (which is, ostensibly, what these forums are for). So, the comment is really an offer of a point of discussion (the article) and an indirect invitation to participate by way of acknowledging my own uncertainty.

Thanks for taking the time to assume I hadn't read the article when, in fact, it was my reading of the article that brought me here to share it in the first place.

And now we have the update: It was simply a matter of prototypes being recalled in preparation for the retail versions: Updated: Lumia 950 XL demo units recalled from Microsoft stores due to hardware problem

So you did read the article but chose to fain ignorance of the detail anyway? That is even worse. I knew what to make of it as soon as I read the first line of the second paragraph. To wit: "From conversations with Store staff, it appears that there’s an issue with the prototypes themselves, and not simply with the installed software." But you said, you don't know what to make of it. Which is what got my ire up. Not heavy just the same though. Carry on.
Sep 10, 2013
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So you did read the article but chose to fain ignorance of the detail anyway? That is even worse. I knew what to make of it as soon as I read the first line of the second paragraph. To wit: "From conversations with Store staff, it appears that there’s an issue with the prototypes themselves, and not simply with the installed software." But you said, you don't know what to make of it. Which is what got my ire up. Not heavy just the same though. Carry on.

It would be feign ignorance. Now, before this devolves further, it wasn't feigned ignorance, it was an acknowledgement that I wasn't sure what to make of it.

If you managed to divine the inner workings of MS corporate, fine. I didn't. Because I didn't, I invited others to join in. Simple as that. I don't enjoy making things personal. So you can either relax and participate in the thread or just see your way out. Either way, I don't much care.


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Nov 3, 2012
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I see some thinking that this is semi positive, I think not. I suspect that there is a more pressing issue. Neowin updated their story with a quote from MS. In my opinion, it is a serious hardware problem, or else they would not have been pulled so quickly.


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Sep 2, 2014
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I did go to the MS store here and they said they were told to pull them right away. Both 950 and 950XL were pulled. Some did report the 950XL running super hot in some stores. The assumption was it was hooked to the battery all day. It could even be a bettery issue who knows. Which can only be discovered if it's plugged in constantly.


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Sep 2, 2014
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By the sound of that, it seems there is a definite issue. I may have to keep the 920 a little longer, or consider the 950.

I'm going to wait for reviews. I know even Lumia 830 apparently had problems on a first revision. People were not getting the back snapping in properly among other issues like slowness. But it could also be that MS isn't satisfied with what is being displayed at this time and pulled them based off MS store employee feedback. It's both the 950/950xl that are being pulled. At least here in Canada.


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Feb 19, 2014
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I noticed the 950XL I had my hands on was very warm also. I only used it for 10-15 minutes, so maybe that was it. I thought it was interesting that the phones were not security-tethered at the store. You could take them off the charger and walk around the store with one. I'm used to other stores having 12-inch leashes on the phone.

But, yeah...the warm/hot area on the back of the phone did concern me. Hot = battery drain.


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Nov 7, 2014
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Amoled screens run warmer when on longer. It's not like a traditional led. Each pixel illuminates itself.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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Jul 24, 2013
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You guys that are willing and able to shell out nearly 1000 dollars, for a phone that is this companies (MS) first attempt at a flagship type device, must be a lot more comfortable financially than I am. In my world, 1000 dollars should buy a lot more than uncertainty. And I will never spend that much on a phone.


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Aug 29, 2013
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You guys that are willing and able to shell out nearly 1000 dollars, for a phone that is this companies (MS) first attempt at a flagship type device, must be a lot more comfortable financially than I am. In my world, 1000 dollars should buy a lot more than uncertainty. And I will never spend that much on a phone.

What uncertainty? MS already said these were prototypes, and it stands to reason they were always going to be sent back. There's nothing indicating something is wrong with the phone, but even if there was, it was still a prototype, not the finished version.


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Feb 26, 2012
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Microsoft just shot themselves in the foot by showing these demo units in store then pulling them. Now all the tec sights are just going to run with the hardware is faulty crap bla bla bla, Making it even harder for Microsoft to shift phones. I know they think they were doing the correct thing but after all the ribbing they have had over the years they should know better.


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May 15, 2012
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Last week?s Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL phones announcements generated huge interest. We made some prototype devices available for a limited time in our retail stores, so that customers could get an early look at our best Windows experience with Windows 10, on our most productive smartphones ever. We?ve now removed the prototypes from the stores as we finalize the experience, and look forward to rolling the phones out next month.

I don't see any problem with rolling out prototypes of the 950 XL, demo models essentially, to capitalize on the launch of Surface Pro 4, Band 2 and Surface Book. Microsoft didn't even have enough Surface Books to display in every store. I think having all the products together, especially given the focus of Windows 10, was important. The phones are obviously not ready yet but if Microsoft had waited it would have pushed the launch into November, which meant more time for consumers to buy competitive products for the holidays.


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Nov 6, 2012
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Why would they not pull the 950? The only reason would be the 950xl has some serious heating issues that may have been frying internal parts. Anything is possible. Granted they are not apple and don't need to pre-manufacturer way ahead due to demand not being as insane

I played for good 1 hour and no heat felt.

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