Getting rid of my 950xl, anyone else?

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Feb 21, 2013
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Not everybody has to enjoy what you enjoy. The worst part of this thread are the handful of people who tell everyone giving up on their 950xl 1) you're not giving it long enough, by next year the OS will be ready and that is the only problem, 2) Windows mobile is better than the others which are equally flawed, and 3) if I don't have problems with mine, you can't either. Mix in a little this should be about the phones only, not the OS, you knew what you signed up for.

On behalf of everyone who returned their phone, we apologize for not being as enlightened or optimistic. Please let us share our opinions with each other in this thread about why we returned out 950xl, and if you feel the need to constantly tell everyone how happy you are with your experience and what idiots we are, it may be more appropriate to put them in one of the many "we love our new Lumia 950" threads.


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Nov 27, 2011
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Not everybody has to enjoy what you enjoy. The worst part of this thread are the handful of people who tell everyone giving up on their 950xl 1) you're not giving it long enough, by next year the OS will be ready and that is the only problem, 2) Windows mobile is better than the others which are equally flawed, and 3) if I don't have problems with mine, you can't either. Mix in a little this should be about the phones only, not the OS, you knew what you signed up for.

On behalf of everyone who returned their phone, we apologize for not being as enlightened or optimistic. Please let us share our opinions with each other in this thread about why we returned out 950xl, and if you feel the need to constantly tell everyone how happy you are with your experience and what idiots we are, it may be more appropriate to put them in one of the many "we love our new Lumia 950" threads.

It's not just this thread though... There are threads like this just stating criticism that is already being stated here. I'm not saying your issues are misinformed or somehow wrong, I'm just saying you don't need to keep saying you have the same issue over and over.


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Mar 31, 2012
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It's not just this thread though... There are threads like this just stating criticism that is already being stated here. I'm not saying your issues are misinformed or somehow wrong, I'm just saying you don't need to keep saying you have the same issue over and over.

Just saying you might want to get ready for me complaining a lot of folks are coming from much more stable and mature OS in android and IOS with some good hardware and some bad either way both are more mature and offer lots, most new folks to WM are going to complain the best you can do as someone who has been on these forums is provide assistance not go read this or just take your phone back.

Nothing says no support more than that, most new folks to this OS already have to deal with the short comings of MSFT so if the forums were a little receptive vs quick to shut up folks and whine about what folks should do vs help maybe good things will come but just like the other person complaining can turn folks off so can a forum full veterans to the OS who just say look up this it was posted before. None of us are perfect but come on if you are that worried lets be considerate of the new folks that are coming over due to the excitement that MSFT drummed up with their last presentation.


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Sep 16, 2015
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What's sad is it's really not the 950XL that's causing all the issues and people giving up on this phone it's MS released it with OS that wasn't ready for prime time.. Terrible move if you ask me, before its release a ton of guys with the Insider beta kept coming here saying the phone would never be released by Nov because the OS was just not ready.. Guess what, they were right, sure no new OS is perfect but Win10 was just not ready.. I'm running the latest version on my 640XL and its stable but no where near refined to the point it should be put on a latest greatest Flagship phone for the masses.. I personally cancelld my 950XL order earlier this week.. I'll wait for either a really good deal on the 950XL early next year if they get WP10 to the point I think it should be or wait for the Surface Phone.. Honestly I hope the price on the 950XL comes down by Feb and they get W10 where it should be..


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Feb 21, 2013
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No doubt, but part of the package is the OS. The OS is also the only inspiring part. Otherwise it is almost the same as most other flagships and I don't know why you would buy it. The iris scanner is the only unique hardware. The software is the differentiator.


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Nov 13, 2012
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No doubt, but part of the package is the OS. The OS is also the only inspiring part. Otherwise it is almost the same as most other flagships and I don't know why you would buy it. The iris scanner is the only unique hardware. The software is the differentiator.
Actually the hardware is a large part of the attraction for me: I want wireless charging, dual sim, micro-SD card, high quality camera, glance screen. I think the 950 series is unique in having all that. Anyway, this thread is about 'are you returning it' and if the OS played a major part in returning it, fine, post here. If you didn't return a 950XL, post the complaints elsewhere.

As I wrote earlier I returned mine, but boy are those camera shots in the other thread awesome. Please MS, make Complete competitive again and fix the niggles.


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It isn't though. After returning mine and researching i ended up settling on buying an LG v10 and found a replacement cover with qi charging. It is missing dual SIM but has IR Blaster, manual control of video, and its version of glance includes ability to control apps and notifications. I'm not saying this to talk you or anyone into another phone. I just mean the hardware is not that different than what is available elsewhere. The OS is why I bought it. Unfortunately, it being too incomplete for me is also why I returned it.


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Nov 17, 2015
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Got mine yesterday. Was thinking about returning it because of what I read about the battery.
Exact at this moment the phone has been running for 24 hours. Used it more than I usually do an ordinary day. Watched movies a couple of hours. Streamed audiobook a couple of hours. Downloaded apps. Surfing.
Windows hello turned of. Still got 10%.
I'm keeping it.


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Mar 8, 2015
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thanks god i sold my windows phone.... it was a mistake to come to this os. i had windows phones since 2012 with HTC 8x...then 365 and then 640xl ... run for your lifes! this os is dead from the birth! even cheap android phones doesn't lag anymore. the OS is so stable and smooth in opening apps and running them you will be happy with it..

sheldon cohn

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May 15, 2015
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Read in Windows Central the 29 update is being sent to the 950 series, the carriers was holding it up. Your giving up to soon, as it was stated in Windows Central the OS isn't the final version and improvements will be sent through the year. They need your feedback to improve it.


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Mar 31, 2012
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Actually the hardware is a large part of the attraction for me: I want wireless charging, dual sim, micro-SD card, high quality camera, glance screen. I think the 950 series is unique in having all that. Anyway, this thread is about 'are you returning it' and if the OS played a major part in returning it, fine, post here. If you didn't return a 950XL, post the complaints elsewhere.

As I wrote earlier I returned mine, but boy are those camera shots in the other thread awesome. Please MS, make Complete competitive again and fix the niggles.

Agree the camera and the hope of something promising is the only reason I have not returned mine to this date. I have the BB Priv, Nexus 6p and iPhone 6 Plus and none of those camera's comes close so right now that is the thing that is holding me to using this as my daily driver for now. However if the OS and App situation doesn't get better before that surface phone comes out this will turn into my vacation phone for camera purpose unless someone on the other two platforms figures out how to get a camera to perform like this one we have on the 950XL


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Jan 31, 2014
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I agree. And with this much cost, I would prefer LG G4 dual sim. It has problems with battery but has fast charging so should take care of it. Has a great camera too.


Feb 18, 2015
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thanks god i sold my windows phone.... it was a mistake to come to this os. i had windows phones since 2012 with HTC 8x...then 365 and then 640xl ... run for your lifes! this os is dead from the birth! even cheap android phones doesn't lag anymore. the OS is so stable and smooth in opening apps and running them you will be happy with it..

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Terrible grammar and sketchy use of English

Valuable post though! :winktongue:


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Dec 14, 2012
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There are no reviews of this phone when I bought it, just speculation. I did not have Windows 10 on my current phone. I assumed with a major release it might be a little more polished. Also, not everyone can wait...I actually need my phone for work... And I've been waiting for years. I'm not risking waiting for it to never happen and me to be stuck with a lies useful phone and out twice what the phone should be sold for.
If you've been waiting for "years" surely you can wait a few more days. Smh


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Aug 9, 2011
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Ugh, I'm actually thinking of returning my 950. I got one for my wife and myself. Both batteries are horrible. Neither lasts a full work day. I've done all the normal things like disabling tasks, gps, Cortana, etc. I've also hard reset mine 3 times trying to fix it. Nothing has helped.

At this point, I'm starting to look through the Android offerings. I even hoped the camera would be great, but it's got terrible focus issues in dim lighting. In bright lighting, it takes excellent pics.

I'm mostly sitting tight until mid next week. If we hear some info about additional updates coming to address some of the issues, I'll keep mine and exchange the one the wife uses. If I don't hear a peep, they'll both be getting exchanged.

I'm at the point where I refuse to wait for another year worth of updates to get my phone stable. It either happens very very soon, or it's a sign that MS can't or won't get this stuff figured out.


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Oct 6, 2015
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I was seriously thinking about returning my 950xl unlocked. It was a bear to set up and to get used to, with a couple of hard resets to get features working. I have had my phone now for a 9 days. The battery life seems to have been worked out to where it's similar to my 925 was (makes it to about 5pm before needing to be recharged)
The update pushed yesterday reminded me we are beta testing Windows 10 mobile, as it took 10 hours for me start to finish. But I like the system enough, and the concept of universal apps and a universal experience with my laptop that I'm ok with that.
I played around with an LG10, and I like their version of the glance screen and main screen, but I would miss live titles too much.
There are pluses and minuses with all choices we make in life. I'm sticking with the windows ecosystem until the bitter end.


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Sep 16, 2015
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I was seriously thinking about returning my 950xl unlocked. It was a bear to set up and to get used to, with a couple of hard resets to get features working. I have had my phone now for a 9 days. The battery life seems to have been worked out to where it's similar to my 925 was (makes it to about 5pm before needing to be recharged)
The update pushed yesterday reminded me we are beta testing Windows 10 mobile, as it took 10 hours for me start to finish. But I like the system enough, and the concept of universal apps and a universal experience with my laptop that I'm ok with that.
I played around with an LG10, and I like their version of the glance screen and main screen, but I would miss live titles too much.
There are pluses and minuses with all choices we make in life. I'm sticking with the windows ecosystem until the bitter end.

There lies the issue.. $650+tax to be a beta tester??
I personelly cancelled my order because I wasn't willing to do that, I chose to put WP10 on my 640XL and if I find I'm tired of the glitches and battery issues I can just revert back to 8.1, 950/950XL buyers don't have that luxury.. I paid $550 less to be a beta tester and have a life boat to fall back on where 950/950XL have 30 days to commit or return their phones..
I too love Windows Phones eco-system and will stay with it but I will not pay hundreds of dollars to be their tester, if they offered me the 950XL for $350 to do it might but I'd keep my 640XL just in case.
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