Will Lumia 950 be able to run full Windows 10 on ARM?


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Nov 16, 2012
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Will lumia 950 be able to run full windows 10 on ARM?

Will the Lumia 950/950xl be able to run full Windows 10 on ARM? Or will Windows 10 on ARM require upgraded specs on mobile units?


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Oct 6, 2016
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Re: Will lumia 950 be able to run full windows 10 on ARM?

It's very doubtful, by the time this rolls out the 950 will be too old, lacks ram and storage. Having said that it will not surprise me one bit if someone trys to install full windows10 on the 950, this technology although appeared to run on an 820, its probably going to begin on an 835. The 950 with an 808 is not enough in my opinion, I could be wrong. The xl has an 810. I hope I am proved wrong but I think the 950 will die off with W10M its last OS.
I think windows on ARM will begin on larger devices then trickle down in size as and when they can make it work on smaller devices, there might be a surface phone around soon too?? Who knows.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Re: Will lumia 950 be able to run full windows 10 on ARM?


1. They demoed it on a Snapdragon 820 but are targeting the 835 minimum. The 950 doesn't meet either minimum.

2. MS tends to abandon products sooner than later so down the road with shifts of this magnitude.

3. Unless magic is done, full Windows takes a lot of storage space.


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Jun 14, 2015
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Perhaps in the future someone can enable it as a hack. I reckon the 950 can handle it. I mean, full Windows 10 runs on slower laptops with less RAM and less capable graphics cards.

MS will left the 950 duo out of the game only to sell newer phones. This has been the trend for quite a long time now. It's not likely to change anytime soon.


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Apr 16, 2014
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Perhaps in the future someone can enable it as a hack. I reckon the 950 can handle it. I mean, full Windows 10 runs on slower laptops with less RAM and less capable graphics cards.

MS will left the 950 duo out of the game only to sell newer phones. This has been the trend for quite a long time now. It's not likely to change anytime soon.

Yes, but that is Windows 10 for x64/x32. That's an entirely different thing.


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Nov 20, 2016
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As far as I know "x32" is a somewhat "loose" term that's used in different ways. x86 CPUs are 32-bit compatible and can also run 64-bit code in many cases, hence "x64" or "x86_64". But "x86" then refers to the CPU and the other terms to instruction sets. So if someone writes "x64/x32" it's clear it refers to 64-bit and then therefore sort of implies the older 32-bit instruction set, but there's actually some newer Linux distros using the name "x32" and those aren't the same as 32-bit x86 instruction sets...

If I understand things correctly.

Either way, running Windows 10 on the 950 would I guess involve a hack, maybe, and whether or not it'd work as PauloP hoped I'm guessing will depend on the quality of the hack and the overhead of the emulator required at runtime. Either way I would probably pass on it if it happened. After all, if/when it becomes possible I'm expecting better and faster phones to be out and it may be a good time to upgrade anyway. And the only apps that are Win 10 UWP (non-mobile) that I'm interested in running are pretty heavy apps so any extra CPU cycle is appreciated....


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Re: Will lumia 950 be able to run full windows 10 on ARM?

^ The whole amd64, x64, x32, etc is quite a mess. These names refer specifically to the 64bit instruction set architecture (ISA):

amd64 = x64= x86_64

That's unfortunately the result of different companies giving different names to the same thing. All of them refer to the 64bit ISA that is built on top of (and fully contains) the 32bit x86 ISA. x86 is not a CPU. IMHO pretty much all developers will understand x86 to be the name of the 32bit ISA. Any program that must run on a 32bit CPU (like an ATOM chip) must be compiled to x86 assembly code.

Things get more complicated when people refer to an "x86 compatible CPU". That could be a CPU supporting only the x86 ISA or a CPU supporting the x64 ISA, which then also supports the x86 ISA.

There is no such thing as an x32 ISA. Linux uses the term for a technology related to memory management (won't get into it here). Although the term looks similar to those mentioned above, its not directly related to them. Very different thing.
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Nov 3, 2011
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Re: Will lumia 950 be able to run full windows 10 on ARM?

^ there is no such thing as x86 emulation on an x64 CPU. x86 runs natively on x64 CPUs.


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Apr 16, 2014
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One little fact I might add is that W10 takes 20 GB. I know the 950 has 32 GB but that would be overkill for your storage. And you would have to flash the new ROM with dedicated software (like WDRT) - that's one thing MS has never done yet

Kot Prada

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Nov 5, 2016
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Honestly, I did not understand any thing from above :eek:rly:

But, obviously, x86 ARM will be totally different story for modern smartphones.

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