Is MS moving too slowly or just not doing enough news-worthy stuff?


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Dec 1, 2012
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All W8 phones are supposed to get WP8.1. The only thing that may prevent it is carriers. I think this will be the big question on people's minds. Unless it's in their contracts to release it there could be a lot of disappointed people or possible hacking backed by MS.

I agree. Rather than saying that all WP8 phones WILL get WP8.1, it's probably more accurate to say that they CAN get 8.1. I highly doubt that all carrier-branded devices will get it, such as AT&T's 520 and 920 (due to it being around 2 years old by the time WP8.1 is released). Hopefully Microsoft will also release 8.1 similar to GDR3 where any WP8 device can get it.

When WP was released I was really hoping we'd see an Apple-like update system. Instead it's more like Android's. :cry:


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Apr 3, 2013
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When WP was released I was really hoping we'd see an Apple-like update system. Instead it's more like Android's. :cry:

Carriers too powerful and WP too weak. Simple. MS and Nokia are at the mercy of the carriers. They'll do whatever the carriers want, which is why there's so many damn handset variations.


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I guest its hard to say how fast is fast enough. Part of the problem is they tell people that this is comming and that is comming and yet it takes what seems like forever for it to get there. At least WP8 is growing, maybe not as fast as we would like; but it is growing. I know my whole family now uses WP8 phones. In the beginning I was the only one. I have hedged my bet on the whole thing. I use WP8 phones; but my three tablets are all Android, my two desktops are 8.1. If it looks like Microsoft is not making enough progress I can always switch my phones to Android, and go that route. I would like to keep the mix I have now, but it would not crush me to have to change. I even have Bluestacks on my desktops.
I believe WP8 is going to be a fair sized success. I think in the LONG term it is going to push IOS for second; but I don't think either will top Android. But you never know. I still remember (not too long ago) when Android only had 5 or 6% of the mobile market. Don't know how this Android on desktop computers is going to do. That is the big IF.


Jul 25, 2012
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I feel Microsoft isn't moving slow at all. Look at last year, and all the phones they released. The number they released last year were on par with Samsung's, and Microsoft just came out with the 1520 and 525 just last month. I don't see how that can be equated to moving slowly.


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You're wrong about iOS, though. Older iPhones did not get some of the newer features such as Siri, due to lack of hardware. Would you say Apple was wrong and didn't think about the future? That's not a "unified experience" either.

Its evident Nokia is thinking about this even with the amber update. I don't have a glance screen on my phone for obvious reasons


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I don't need a grand slam every day, but maybe a base hit? Its true that they are a huge company and are involved in many different businesses, but that is all the more reason for me to expect more news. WPCentral does a great job of reporting on their phones, but what about new ideas and productions and innovations?

An example is that right now the biggest selling point for the Surface Pro is that it can run native Windows programs and is essentially a tablet with the capabilities of a laptop. I have heard recently that both Apple and Google are working on tablets that work similarly (although with their own respective platforms). When I hear news like that, I would expect MS to announce something new an interesting that they intend to add to the Surface Pro 3 or an upgrade to the Surface Pro 2 that should keep it ahead of its competitors. I know its still early, but this is just an example.

There isn't a ton of buzz about Surface or Windows 8 tablets to begin with, but now their competitors are coming out with products that will most likely blow it out of the water in terms of sales. This would be the time for MS to defend the fort and offer some information on why their products are leading the way and not being left behind.

its already happened:

the iPad
the kindles
the androidtabs

until I'm proven wrong with sales numbers, the surface vs world battle is over.


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Nov 3, 2011
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I agree. Rather than saying that all WP8 phones WILL get WP8.1, it's probably more accurate to say that they CAN get 8.1.

Exactly. That is also what MS' has always been saying: "WP8 will be upgradable". That is not the same as saying they will be upgraded. I've taken this position for almost two years now, which was often met with hostility... many refered to MS' support lifecycle (36 months blah blah) as proof that all devices would get updates, which consumers completely misunderstand... no thanks to the media.

I agree 100% with the rest as well. MS started out with great plans and the best of intentions, most of which was trashed by U.S. carriers.

On the other hand, I'm still optimistic that every device will get WP8.1, MS just can't guarantee it.

IMHO this is one of WP's biggest failures. Like stock brokers, consumers despise uncertainty. MS needs to find a way around carriers' legal restrictions... that Xbox music and Xbox video are being removed from the OS image and will instead be distributed through the app store is just a first step...


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On the other hand, I'm still optimistic that every device will get WP8.1, MS just can't guarantee it.

IMHO this is one of WP's biggest failures. Like stock brokers, consumers despise uncertainty. MS needs to find a way around carriers' legal restrictions... that Xbox music and Xbox video are being removed from the OS image and will instead be distributed through the app store is just a first step...

I'm personally expecting a MS backed hack of some sort to come out so people can get WP8.1 and other updates. My phone is unlocked but still tied to EE here in the UK. So I'm at the mercy of EE for my updates. This is not acceptable. Any phones that do not get updated will make MS look very bad, even though it will be the carriers fault and MS dragging the WP8.1 update out so far.


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Apr 15, 2013
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Nokia are responsible for updating unlocked phones, not the operator. That's why the update progress given by Nokia is different for unlocked phones.


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Nokia are responsible for updating unlocked phones, not the operator. That's why the update progress given by Nokia is different for unlocked phones.

Nope. If you unlock a carrier phone it is still tied to that carrier to when updates come out. This is the biggest annoyance of WP if you want updates. If you bought a fully unlocked phone then yes, you are correct.


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Apr 15, 2013
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Ruddy Nora, that is annoying. I bought a fully unlocked phone so I naturally assumed it would be the same for one unlocked post purchase. Another lesson in not buying carrier locked devices for everyone. All I can suggest, then, is that people flash their phones with totally unbranded firmware manually. That would work, right?


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Nov 3, 2011
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Ruddy Nora, that is annoying. I bought a fully unlocked phone so I naturally assumed it would be the same for one unlocked post purchase. Another lesson in not buying carrier locked devices for everyone. All I can suggest, then, is that people flash their phones with totally unbranded firmware manually. That would work, right?

Yes that would work. Being locked or not is completely irrelevant in regard to how and when updates reach your device. The "branding", or more precisely, the product code that is embedded in the devices firmware (usually also printed on the box) is what matters.


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May 15, 2011
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Android is free, well developed and popular while Windows Phone is neither free nor so popular.
Most smartphone designers prefer a free good OS for their phones (like Android). There is little reason to pay money to Microsoft and develop a partnership with it when you can have an OS at least as good as WP for free.

From what I understand, while the OS is free, in order to have the Google functions and play store and such the manufacturer needs to pay Google.

The only people that "free" android are helped by are rooters and cheap Chinese producers that are only making stuff for use within their own country.

its already happened:

the iPad
the kindles
the androidtabs

until I'm proven wrong with sales numbers, the surface vs world battle is over.


You really don't get it. Surface is a glorified tech demo. It isn't intended to be a product in its own right. Rather, it exists to gin up interest for Windows 8. Other laptop manufacturers then see what they make, go "oooh and aaaahhh", then start producing their own. Which is exactly what is happening.

Microsoft only needs to sell Windows. Surface is a means, not an end.


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From what I understand, while the OS is free, in order to have the Google functions and play store and such the manufacturer needs to pay Google.

The only people that "free" android are helped by are rooters and cheap Chinese producers that are only making stuff for use within their own country.


You really don't get it. Surface is a glorified tech demo. It isn't intended to be a product in its own right. Rather, it exists to gin up interest for Windows 8. Other laptop manufacturers then see what they make, go "oooh and aaaahhh", then start producing their own. Which is exactly what is happening.

Microsoft only needs to sell Windows. Surface is a means, not an end.

actually ive understood that for a while.

in the mean time, what i stated is still current, and happening


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Apr 3, 2013
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The 920 was the first flagship phone for WP8. I don't see it not getting 8.1. Poor speculation.

Not sure who you're talking too...

Not based on MS but on carrier. Even MS has admitted that a person may not get the update because of the carrier. Let's face it, an almost 2 year old phone to most carriers is going to seem like a waste of time. They'd rather just offer a new phone and contract to the person. More money for them.

There's every possibility I won't get the update. My phone is from EE here in the UK who was kicked off the exclusive carrier's list so they hold no passion for WP at all. They were the last to give us Amber though they seem to be pushing out Black, so far. I may have to flash my phone with a different ROM or maybe MS will provide some work around. Let's wait and see.


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Sep 18, 2012
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Not sure who you're talking too...

Not based on MS but on carrier. Even MS has admitted that a person may not get the update because of the carrier. Let's face it, an almost 2 year old phone to most carriers is going to seem like a waste of time. They'd rather just offer a new phone and contract to the person. More money for them.

There's every possibility I won't get the update. My phone is from EE here in the UK who was kicked off the exclusive carrier's list so they hold no passion for WP at all. They were the last to give us Amber though they seem to be pushing out Black, so far. I may have to flash my phone with a different ROM or maybe MS will provide some work around. Let's wait and see.

Wasn't addressing you, but that's ok. I'll disagree and say I fully expect my 920 to get the update. Now I'm on ATT and not EE. That may be a difference, maybe not. But I don't agree with a blanket statement. Dependant on carrier disclaimer, maybe.


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Wasn't addressing you, but that's ok. I'll disagree and say I fully expect my 920 to get the update. Now I'm on ATT and not EE. That may be a difference, maybe not. But I don't agree with a blanket statement. Dependant on carrier disclaimer, maybe.

MS has stated that all current WP8 phones will be available for update but they did stress carrier dependent. There's an article with them stating this. I can't seem to find the article. Sigh...


Retired Moderator
Sep 18, 2012
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MS has stated that all current WP8 phones will be available for update but they did stress carrier dependent. There's an article with them stating this. I can't seem to find the article. Sigh...

Lol, no need to find it. I believe you. I guess I don't have any horror stories or bad experiences with ATT yet so I'm looking on the positive side. And of course carrier dependant covers a lot of carriers, not just ATT and EE.


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Dec 1, 2012
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Wasn't addressing you, but that's ok. I'll disagree and say I fully expect my 920 to get the update. Now I'm on ATT and not EE. That may be a difference, maybe not. But I don't agree with a blanket statement. Dependant on carrier disclaimer, maybe.

I have an AT&T 920, and I'll be surprised if it gets 8.1. The 920 will be nearly 2 years old by the time 8.1 is released, and AT&T will have many newer phones to worry about. There's also the fact that a lot of the 920s are probably on 2 year contracts that will be ending, which means that the user will be replacing the phone anyway.

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