Recording System Audio in OneNote


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Jan 29, 2018
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OneNote can record audio from your computer's microphone and sync it with your typing or handwriting. So you can go to the notes of a past meeting, click next to something you wrote or typed, and hear what was said at that time. That's really useful. You can go back to a meeting from a year ago, and if your notes aren't clear, you can hear what was actually said. And because it syncs with your writing or typing, you can go straight to the right part of the audio without listening to the whole thing. Your notes become an index to the audio.

But for some reason, OneNote still won't record system audio. So if you record audio while taking notes on a Skype call, only your microphone will be recorded. The sound from other participants on the call won't get recorded. I've seen a few suggestions that outline how you can hack your audio settings to do this, but I have other software that has no difficulty recording from both a microphone and system audio, so it must be possible without complex hacks.

On the User Voice site for OneNote the problem doesn't seem to get enough votes to get Microsoft's attention. I think that could be because a lot of people either don't know they can record audio or they don't realise how useful it is. So I'm dropping a note into as many OneNote forums as I can find to try and raise awareness. If you think recording system audio in OneNote would be a good feature, please vote for it using the link below:

Alternatively, if you do actually know a way of recording system audio in OneNote that doesn't require a lot of rewiring of Windows, please let me know.


New member
Jan 23, 2018
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I've also faced some issues with the audio recording system. Since the format and file size hadn't any error, playback was disturbing me. But you my dear, you've raised very valid issue. I'vent checked with taking note symulteniously with recording. Skype's call recording issues should be solved ASAP.

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