SB Rise of the Tomb raider game: Very LOW FPS! virtually unplayable...thoughts??


New member
Aug 9, 2015

Ive got the new rise of the tomb raider game that Microsoft displayed the surface book playing at launch.

all I can say is the FPS are shockingly low so bad that its virtually unplayable at 720p low graphics settings I'm getting around 12fps, I can run alien isolation at 1080p high graphics settings with 35-40fps and the graphics are gorgeous so good you would think surface book was a gaming machine.

has any one else managed to get ROTR running smoothly with decent graphics? I cant believe that the two games visually are so different in performance.

cheers for any input,

Depend on your specs though. I'm also playing it and my spec is i5 d/GPU.
Here are my settings:



Usually I got around 25-30 FPS with these settings. And that's playable in my perspective.

P.S: The game's just updated with Dx12 supported. Tried to turn it on but the FPS drastically dropped, I guess the feature's still unfinished.
Depend on your specs though. I'm also playing it and my spec is i5 d/GPU.

Usually I got around 25-30 FPS with these settings. And that's playable in my perspective.

P.S: The game's just updated with Dx12 supported. Tried to turn it on but the FPS drastically dropped, I guess the feature's still unfinished.

I have changed my settings so that they are exactly the same as yours and the most fps I seem to manage is on average around 20fps, on the soviet level the fps drops to around 15/16 at some parts. do you experience sudden drops? especially at the very beginning of a level.

out of curiosity where did your fps figures that you gave come from? gameplay/level/benchmark etc.

I'm also using direct x 11.


Soviet installation and the place that I'm curently on (forgot the name) are known for stuttering bug. I had stuttering sometimes in these places too, but just at some specific area, not entire map.
The FPS That I got is from the built in FPS counter of Steam, enable it from in-game setting of steam overlay tool
yeah its steams fps counter that I'm using. I have same surface book as you i5/dgpu and I'm averaging 16-20fps with exactly the same settings as you.

its not the laptop because it plays other games perfectly so I'm pretty stumped how your getting 25-30 fps??
Beat me to it. The only thing beside settings inside the game is that I also set the machine to prefer maximum performance while playing the game in Nvidia Control Panel

I also installed the Gefore Experience tool in case you want to know. But yah,I didn't use the setting from that tool for this game.
Beat me to it. The only thing beside settings inside the game is that I also set the machine to prefer maximum performance while playing the game in Nvidia Control Panel

I also installed the Gefore Experience tool in case you want to know. But yah,I didn't use the setting from that tool for this game.

I forgot to mention lol I also have the exact setup, the first thing I did when I got SB was set the machine to prefer maximum performance for games and installed gforce experience but do not use.

so still in same sitch really.......
Wasn't it Gears of War that they showed in that launch event? Much older game.

I was sure it was ROTR however your post made me pull up the launch vid on youtube,....and you are right! its GOW. my mistake.

still DRATWISTER is getting 25-30 FPS with the same setup so still just as valid.

good spot dude
So I managed to play the game in window mode and screenshot it (Steam FPS counter is not captured using the built in screenshot)
crazy dude, honestly cant fathom why I'm not getting same fps as you, by copying your settings its greatly improved fps but I'm not seein 25+ more like 16-20 tops. maybe once ive got past the soviet level things will improve. but consistently so far through the game its been 16-20.

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