Problems with Nvidia dGPU and Battery drain


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Oct 30, 2012
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Hey guys
I've been the happy owner of a Surface Book i5 with dGPU for a couple of months now, and have had an otherwise very good experience with it.
BUT.. I've had crappy battery life from the get go.. on a good day I get around 6-8h, very far from the promised 12h. I mostly do web surfing and document editing, with a little bit of chatting on messenger and groove music playback mixed in. I've had troubles finding any newer threads on this topic, so I would like to hear what kind of battery life you are experiencing on a daily basis?
I have noticed something funny connected to this.. when I'm sitting at my desk, with my SB plugged in, the base (the keyboard part) stays perfectly cool, unless I do something demanding for the GPU. But as soon as I unplug my SB, the base starts to get warm. Not hot, but warm to the touch, as if the NVidia GPU is active. I've tried to monitor the GPU usage, and all I see in for example GPU-Z is that the GPU is active aprox. every 5-7 seconds. Is this normal aka. do you also see this?
That could be the explanation for my poor battery life, but I am at my wits end trying to fix it. I have tried resetting, even downloading the default image from MS and making a recovery USB. Nothing has worked so far.

So the question is, do you guys experience the same? Does the base of you SB get warm to the touch when you unplug your device from power? And what is your reported battery life with a dGPU SB?

Cheers guys. Hope you can help!

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