Surface Pro 3 or Lenovo Yoga 2?


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Aug 8, 2013
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So I went to PC World after work today to get myself a Surface Pro 3 i5, 4gb ram, 128gb ?850. Unfortunately they were out of stock and are going to email me when they are back in.
I came home and had a look on their website and came across a Lenovo Yoga 2: i5, 8gb ram 500gb... ?750.

Now... to me that seems like a good deal. An extra 4gb ram, and a massive 500gb storage over the Pro 3's 128, for ?100 less, and another ?100 odd less since I would have to buy a type cover for the Surface.

What do you guys think? Should I grab the Yoga 2? Its more laptop and less tablet which was what appealed to me about the Surface, but I cant really warrant and extra ?200 for a lower speced device, even if it is lighter and more ergonomically pleasing.

Thanks guys, just need some reassurance here :)


Jun 20, 2012
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One thing to remember is that the Lenovo while having a larger drive it is not an SSD which is going to impact performance. I don't have a Yoga 2, but I do have a Yoga 2 Pro which is more comparable. However the Pentile OLED screen on the Lenovo while very bright is not very good for. colour accuracy. Yellows are just terrible. I also have an SP3 which has an IPS LCD which is absolutely beautiful too look at.

In practical use I almost never used the Lenovo like a tablet. I find myself using the SP3 like one all the time. I simply remove the keyboard and off I go. I have also found the Bluetooth on the Yoga to be finicky and the trackpad sometimes goes weird in a cool high humidity condition. The Yoga sits as backup machine and for streaming news, TV etc in the kitchen.

I also find MS to be much better at updating the Surface than Lenovo does for the Yoga.

I would spend the extra, however that is just me. Buy what you need to get the job done.


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Aug 8, 2013
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After posting I did notice that it wasn't an SSD which I may find annoying, I will also be using the chosen device as a tablet mainly so I perhaps the Surface is more suitable. I wont be dumping huge amounts on to the storage so the 128gb may suffice, it was just nice to know I had 500gb there if I need it. The surface also has a marginally better processor I believe.


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Oct 30, 2012
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Surface Pro 3 over the Yoga 2. The better comparison would the Yoga pro 2. That works similar as a tablet but not at light as the Surface Pro 3.


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Jan 2, 2013
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I bought the Yoga 2 Pro (not quite the same as the Yoga 2) about 2 months before the announcement of the Surface Pro 3. I sold it and bought myself a Surface Pro 3. The Yoga 2 Pro is a fantastic device. I loved it. But I missed the handwriting.. and I told myself the day they made the Surface Pro as thin as the Surface RT I would buy one. And so I did. I would say the Yogas are definitely better laptops no doubt. But the Surface Pro is a decent laptop and a great tablet with Hand writing capabilities. They each have their strengths and weaknesses just depends on what you are looking for. But from what you said about using it more in tablet form. I would suggest the Surface Pro 3.


Aug 2, 2012
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After posting I did notice that it wasn't an SSD which I may find annoying, I will also be using the chosen device as a tablet mainly so I perhaps the Surface is more suitable. I wont be dumping huge amounts on to the storage so the 128gb may suffice, it was just nice to know I had 500gb there if I need it. The surface also has a marginally better processor I believe.

There is nothing wrong with the Yoga line. In general they are nice machines. With that said, they are genuine hybrids and suffer the same limitations as most such devices - design compromises. The Yoga 2 then throws into the mix the fact it is the economy line. For that lesser price you get an inferior screen, lesser battery life, more weight, a keyboard that is not nearly as good as those on a conventional Lenovo laptop, no pen/digitizer, and a mechanical hard drive that is totally out of place in anything intended to be used as a mobile device/tablet. The SP3 processor is also more than marginally better. Microsoft has done an impressive job of optimizing processor, SSD, and motherboard performance since SP2 - such that I have found their i5 performance to best the i7s in some laptops for things like Photoshop and Lightroom.

You will get a nice hybrid in a Yoga 2 but it will not be in the same league as SP3 or even SP2. Cost considerations certainly can exist so if you need to save the money you certainly would not have an absolute dog vis a vis performance. Personally though, if that is the choice I would look around for a discounted SP2, or wait a few weeks for Lenovo to discount the Yoga 2 Pro. Yoga 2 Pro still would not have a digitizer but it is better spec'd than the Yoga 2 and should be marked down shortly given the new models and the approaching holidays.


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Aug 8, 2013
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Thanks for the help guys. I picked up a Surface Pro 3 at the weekend (the last one in my area), its going great so far.

For now I have been using it as a general consumption tablet which it is amazing for, the new screen ratio works great in portrait mode. I will be putting photoshop and premier on it at some point, in addition to some low spec requirement games such as CS:GO, Magicka Wizard Wars etc I have installed Hearthstone already which works very nicely since they optimised it for touch devices. I will try not to push it too hard as it does get very warm and this will obviously reduce the life of the tablet, but I love it so far :)

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