Upgrade to Windows 10 or stick with 8?

TTR Dr Payne

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Jan 27, 2012
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I'm having a bit of a dilemma trying to decide between upgrading my SP3 to Windows 10 or keeping it on 8.1 now that the free upgrade period is coming to an end. I had originally intended on upgrading the second the update became available, until I learned how horrific the tablet experience on Windows 10 was. So I've held off upgrading this whole past year waiting and waiting to hear the tablet mode had been returned to it's former Windows 8 glory. A year later and it still hasn't. There's some more improvements coming with the update on August 2, but it still doesn't appear like it will be as good.

So I'm looking for a bit of advice from people who have been using Windows 10 and perhaps some insight into potential future updates to Windows 10 that may ease my fears.

For me, I've loved Windows 8.1. It's perfect in so many ways for what I use my Surface for, and that's as a tablet. I love the start screen on Win. 8, I never, ever, use the desktop. I've only recently been forced to start using it since they removed the 'Modern' Skype app. I also occasionally use Word and Excel. Most of the time if I need to use those I just go on my Windows 7 Desktop though(which I have no hesitations at all of upgrading to Windows 10 and will be doing so shortly - I am going to greatly miss Zune though. I don't actually know what's going to happen to that and where my music is going to move to when I download Win. 10)

On my Surface though, one of the biggest tablet features I love is the ability to swipe forwards and backwards on IE. I also love the full-screen nature of IE, how everything is hidden off-screen unless I swipe to open the taskbar. I fully embraced the whole idea of Windows 8 and zip around the touch interface with great ease. I feel like all of that has been lost in Windows 10. I've never had the chance to use Windows 10 though on anything other than a non-touch screen desktop, which is where I feel Windows 10 greatly excels.

I keep bouncing back and forth between upgrade and don't because of those reasons. I feel if I don't upgrade, Windows 10 will improve in the future and I'll feel like an ***** for not taking the free upgrade. But on the other hand I feel like I'll absolutely hate it and will regret upgrading to it every time I default to using the touch screen to navigate. I don't want to have to use the track-pad to navigate around the OS. A lot of the time I don't even have my keyboard attached to my Surface.

So to those using Windows 10 on a touch device, like the SP3 or 4, can you give me some thoughts on how you've found using the OS vs 8.1?

One other related question, is there a web browser(FireFox, Chrome etc) that allows swipe navigation to go forward and back pages? I hear Edge still doesn't allow it. I think that will be a big help as I will go crazy if I have to use the track-pad to click tiny forward and back buttons when on the internet..

Chintan Gohel

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edge doesn't have swipe forwards/backwards as of now.

You could do the upgrade, if you don't like it, you have a 30 day period to go back, sort of like a trial


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I really don't know for sure. I'm considering going back to 8.1 myself because it's still superior in terms of reliability and responsiveness.

See if the pen improvements and Cortana among other improvements is worth the less-tablet-y UX.


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Wait for the Anniversary update the beginning of August, or upgrade to 10 and join the insider program. My SP3 works great on the latest build and has the features you are looking for. Use tablet mode, and you will get a similar start screen experience.


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Upgrade ASAP, just so you will get W10 for free, then wait just hang in there for the Anniversary update after.

I've been in the Insider program watching the progress of the tablet mode evolutions in W10, and I have to say they have made good progress for dealing with the tablet mode interface. Granted, it isn't W8.1, but that is a fact of life. Get over it. But with the recent changes, and just grinning and bearing it, I have accepted the new interface. It's perfectly acceptable now. They did put swipe gestures into Edge for going forward and back pages. Something so simple, but it really made a difference.

TTR Dr Payne

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Thanks for the responses everyone, I appreciate it.

I will definitely try enabling Tablet mode to get a similar start screen. Hopefully it allows that to occur even with the keyboard attached.

Upgrade ASAP, just so you will get W10 for free, then wait just hang in there for the Anniversary update after.

I've been in the Insider program watching the progress of the tablet mode evolutions in W10, and I have to say they have made good progress for dealing with the tablet mode interface. Granted, it isn't W8.1, but that is a fact of life. Get over it. But with the recent changes, and just grinning and bearing it, I have accepted the new interface. It's perfectly acceptable now. They did put swipe gestures into Edge for going forward and back pages. Something so simple, but it really made a difference.

The more I think about it, and having read the responses so far, I am feeling more comfortable with the idea of upgrading.

Are the swipe forward and back features in Edge only available on a newer inside build, as I haven't heard people mention that's back yet? Including one of the other people responding in this thread. That is definitely one of the biggest features I've been waiting for, as it does make a difference.


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There are probably a lot of new W10 apps that aren't available on W8.1... So I'd upgrade. You can always go back to 8.1 if you can't get used to it... But make sure you have a backup of your data before hand, just in case you decide to wipe it and go back.

the whole taco

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Jan 15, 2015
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well timed post Dr.

I am in a similar quandary but I don't use my SP3 full on tablet like you. Maybe 50% tablet and 50% docked and as a desktop.

I have earmarked today to try the Win10 upgrade but my reasons are different.
Over recent months there has been a lot of updates coming thru on 8.1 that I suspect are precursors to a Win10 upgrade.
I suspect this because look and feel in certain parts has changed (eg open with... pop up) to be more Win10 like.
Also I have had Win10 type bugs coming in (eg WiFi connect issues)
and had the BSOD too, where I had to do a full Recover.

my suspicion might be wrong, it maybe coincidence.
but anyway, will bite the bullet. can't be any worse :)

TTR Dr Payne

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My fears of upgrading my SP3 have been greatly calmed with the recent post about new features coming to Windows 10 in the anniversary update. The biggest item I was waiting for was announced(swiping forward and backwards on Edge)
With the help from you guys as well, I have decided to upgrade this weekend.

It's definitely the best thing to do, as even if there are a few other things that might be slightly annoying my biggest points have been satisfied, so I'm happy and everything else will come in the future.


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I just upgraded my SP3 a couple days ago from 8.1 to 10586.494.

Pleasantly smooth experience. It's my most critical piece of hardware so I was making sure to wait til the last minute. They disabled my Administrator account but that's ok, enabling it again made everything I use that was dependent on it work again. I don't really use my SP3 in tablet mode much.

Been using redstone on my surface 3 a while now, I can't wait for the anniversary update! The S3 I use a lot in tablet mode.


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Mine's been on Windows 10 since the four-digit Insider builds (99-something) well over a year ago. I have never, not once, wished to go back to Windows 8.1.

On current Insider 14393 which will be (plus hotfixes) what is released on August 2 as "Anniversary Update" it is running better than ever before.

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