Does Microsoft have the guts to make Surface a success?


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Nov 10, 2012
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I think Microsoft made a mistake even bringing out an RT version of the surface. They should have concentrated on the pro version: improve battery life, more surface color options, more screen angle placement options and much more. This would have allowed for a black Friday and holiday season sale of the pro and would have been a huge hit for Microsoft. With the way the tablet market is right now, I don't think any tablet can beat apple at its game. The next best thing is to give the public something new...the next best thing...which is a laptop that can also double as a tablet and that to me is Microsoft's saving grace. I see the RT not gaining any traction like other tablets before it that tried to compete in apple's price range. If Microsoft was unwilling to bring down the RT price significantly (basically at build price like the kindle and nexus tab) then they stand no chance against the iPad. Also, now there are 3 windows platforms to designs apps for, yes I know it is now easier to port apps between the three, but it's just too much for an operating system that is in fourth place right now. They should have stuck with windows phone and windows 8 and kept it simple. On the other hand I think and hope the pro will be a huge hit, but it needs to be priced aggressively especially when it has a mediocre battery life, doesn't include a touch pad and no office.

I just switched from an iPhone to my 920(I am on my 4th unit due to battery issues lol) and I love it and really would love to see Microsoft and Nokia succeed, esp against apple so hopefully they are making the right business choices.


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Jan 8, 2009
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I think Microsoft made a mistake even bringing out an RT version of the surface. They should have concentrated on the pro version: improve battery life, more surface color options, more screen angle placement options and much more. This would have allowed for a black Friday and holiday season sale of the pro and would have been a huge hit for Microsoft. With the way the tablet market is right now, I don't think any tablet can beat apple at its game. The next best thing is to give the public something new...the next best thing...which is a laptop that can also double as a tablet and that to me is Microsoft's saving grace. I see the RT not gaining any traction like other tablets before it that tried to compete in apple's price range. If Microsoft was unwilling to bring down the RT price significantly (basically at build price like the kindle and nexus tab) then they stand no chance against the iPad. Also, now there are 3 windows platforms to designs apps for, yes I know it is now easier to port apps between the three, but it's just too much for an operating system that is in fourth place right now. They should have stuck with windows phone and windows 8 and kept it simple. On the other hand I think and hope the pro will be a huge hit, but it needs to be priced aggressively especially when it has a mediocre battery life, doesn't include a touch pad and no office.

I just switched from an iPhone to my 920(I am on my 4th unit due to battery issues lol) and I love it and really would love to see Microsoft and Nokia succeed, esp against apple so hopefully they are making the right business choices.

For RT to succeed, it needs a price cut.

Side note - my 920 has had awesome battery life but I am starting to get that "creek:" noise if you apply any pressure to the top...if that doesn't lead to problems, I want to hold onto this one due to the great batter life.


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Nov 30, 2012
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The next generation Windows RT devices are going to be amazing. Once Wayne comes out(Tegra 4), GPU performance will be improved greatly and will be on par if not better than what Apple is currently offering! Gaming is really one of the biggest uses for Tablets believe it or not, and Microsoft has the advantage of having their own exclusives to push the Surface which Apple does not. Problem is though that the Tegra3 isn't as powerful as the equivalent Apple Hardware. While CPU performance is comparable, GPU performance is weak compared to the competition. However it's still fully capable in it's own right, and hopefully Microsoft will bring over some real exclusives like Halo and do it right at the same time. I like the current Surface and it has a lot of potential, I think MS will do it right. They have a lot to lose if they don't considering mobile devices are the biggest growth market for the coming decade.


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The next generation Windows RT devices are going to be amazing. Once Wayne comes out(Tegra 4), GPU performance will be improved greatly and will be on par if not better than what Apple is currently offering! Gaming is really one of the biggest uses for Tablets believe it or not, and Microsoft has the advantage of having their own exclusives to push the Surface which Apple does not. Problem is though that the Tegra3 isn't as powerful as the equivalent Apple Hardware. While CPU performance is comparable, GPU performance is weak compared to the competition. However it's still fully capable in it's own right, and hopefully Microsoft will bring over some real exclusives like Halo and do it right at the same time. I like the current Surface and it has a lot of potential, I think MS will do it right. They have a lot to lose if they don't considering mobile devices are the biggest growth market for the coming decade.

Yeah, it's only been a month and I am patient but I am finding I am using the Surface less here lately. I guess because my Lumia 920 is such a joy to use! :)

Gaming...yeah, it would be great to play some of my favorites (Portal Series, the GOG.COM games, my Amiga and C64 Emulators.) but I'll wait to see what the future holds.


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Nov 30, 2012
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Gaming...yeah, it would be great to play some of my favorites (Portal Series, the GOG.COM games, my Amiga and C64 Emulators.) but I'll wait to see what the future holds.

I would love to play some older games on the Surface RT too, and it's got the horsepower to spare to play them! Sadly they have to be rewritten and recompiled so we won't be seeing too many of the older games on our Surface RT :( Some Freespace2 would be sweet.


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I would love to play some older games on the Surface RT too, and it's got the horsepower to spare to play them! Sadly they have to be rewritten and recompiled so we won't be seeing too many of the older games on our Surface RT :( Some Freespace2 would be sweet.

I did check with Amiga Forever, and Windows RT HAS been considered for a rewrite of Amiga Forever and C64 Forever but only in the consideration phase.


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Dec 30, 2010
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I'm not buying this. I've read so many blogs that say the the Surface RT is a "demo" to OEM's of what a tablet should be. Pretty expensive demo if that's the case. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying it's unheard of to create and market a product, and it's only intent is for it to be an example. Doesn't make sense.

It's not a demo. It's a standard setter.

The Surface is still meant to be profitable. It is meant to create buzz. It's meant to earn some good money for Microsoft's stores.

But it's NOT meant to be some huge product deployment.

Surface is a showcase for Windows RT and Windows 8. MS wants OEMs to SUCCESSFULLY compete with Surface.

Why does this make sense? Because with Windows 7, OEMS were churning out crappy low quality hardware. What did typical users do when they got their hands on cheap hardware? I can tell you what they DIDN'T say.

They didn't say, "Wow. This netbook doesn't have the required processing power to properly run this OS effectively."
They didn't say, "Gee whiz. Look at this. The resources are being hogged up by all of this preinstalled extra software."
They didn't say, "It must be running bad because of all the free nifty cool software the manufacturer gave me!"


Instead they said things like, "Windows sucks." or "Windows is slow."

Surface exists to hold OEMs accountable. Consumers can say, "How come it runs decently on Surface, but it sucks on this machine? This manufacturer must have made a crappy computer. It's not because of Windows."

This is what I agree with as well. Why advertise the thing so much and not make it readily available to everyone? If I'm a "normal" user, I'd see the commercial, and then wonder where I could at least look/touch one.

Windows 8 and Windows RT.

A consumer can walk into Best Buy and pick up an Asus tablet and think, "This is kind of like Surface."

Let's be honest. Consumers get excited about products, not operating systems.

Sure, there are cool Windows 8 commercials out there. But "Windows 8" isn't a cool item to buy for most people. All the Windows 8 ads do is make the transition look less scary and more inviting.

But real tangible products get people excited. Even if people don't actually pick up that particular product.

Think about what the Droid phone did for ALL Android handsets.


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While I don't believe Surface needs a gillion apps to be successful, the Surface does lack some "killer" apps...the "must have" app to get people to come over.

I think that MS Office is a killer app.

Would I like more killer apps? Heck yeah.

But MS Office is pretty awesome.


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I personally love Windows RT. I wasn't sure it would be enough for me at first, but I haven't turned on my real PC in quite a while.

I think what could increase RT adoption isn't so much just more apps, but better integration with other MS products and services. I'd like it to get to the point where it really feels like my XBOX, Windows RT tablet, and Windows Phone are really talking to each other.


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I think that MS Office is a killer app.

Would I like more killer apps? Heck yeah.

But MS Office is pretty awesome.

Agreed...Office is good...though since I work for a small business with HEAVY Excel Macro and VBA use, the Surface RT is starting to lose it's functionality for me. At least from a development sense.


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Agreed...Office is good...though since I work for a small business with HEAVY Excel Macro and VBA use, the Surface RT is starting to lose it's functionality for me. At least from a development sense.

Oh yeah, of course. I'm sure that you know it wasn't meant for that though.

But now that you mention development... maybe I can use that as an excuse to buy a Surface Pro. I do really want to get back into learning programming. heh heh heh


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Sep 11, 2012
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Windows 8 has sold 40 million copies (oem and consumer). Typical windows numbers means in a few years that there will be a few hundred million copies out there. Apps made for the metro style store will be made, and they will be made fast. Those are apps that can easily be made to run on RT. Even if msoft does not sell millions of surfaces, the device is going to get better and better.


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Oh yeah, of course. I'm sure that you know it wasn't meant for that though.

But now that you mention development... maybe I can use that as an excuse to buy a Surface Pro. I do really want to get back into learning programming. heh heh heh

And I wish I could GET AWAY from learning program. I am the sole IT guy for a multi-million dollar metal building company. While I've made this place more stable and safe than ever, they now want me to get in and maintain and perhaps build upon their Excel VBA sheets. Yuck! I guess having a Surface RT means it is for fun only! :)


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Oct 21, 2012
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To me Surface is a productivity tool, not a toy like an iPad. When I had my iPad I always had to properly prepare before the customer meeting to make sure I had the right files and so on to do my presentations, take notes, etc. Now even if I forget something, I can still do everything I need to do, as I would with my laptop. I never found myself needing anything extra. Would I like some extra Apps for it, absolutely, but its not a deal breaker for me. Now with my Lumia 920, its a killer combo :)


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Oct 25, 2012
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To me Surface is a productivity tool, not a toy like an iPad. When I had my iPad I always had to properly prepare before the customer meeting to make sure I had the right files and so on to do my presentations, take notes, etc. Now even if I forget something, I can still do everything I need to do, as I would with my laptop. I never found myself needing anything extra. Would I like some extra Apps for it, absolutely, but its not a deal breaker for me. Now with my Lumia 920, its a killer combo :)

It really needs Cisco Anyconnect VPN though to 100% accomplish this


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Oct 21, 2012
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Yes I would love Cisco VPN to get in to my work intranet, but in the mean time i log in to my home PC via Logmein or Team viewer to accomplish the same :)


Mar 31, 2012
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Correction, surface is perfect. What's not is windows RT. Guys start getting this right, cos its becoming misleading for members trying to read facts before buying.

POST should read, does MS have the guts to make Windows RT a success?

EDIT: and people crying for apps when they have a full blown IE, what do i need a facebook app for when i can browse the .com,
i just need a torrent app, and a good media player and i wont visit the store again. All the apps i need are on my mobile.

who cares, once enough apps are in the Windows Store consumers won't know he difference. It is already starting to get that way for me. Just a few more top tier apps and I'll be taken care of.

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