my first wp8 experience

paras chugh

New member
Jan 29, 2013
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as you all know angry birds free till 15th ! i went to the mall today for my first wp8 experience.i am currently using a nokia 5800 and am gonna buy a lumia 720 but after my exams get over which is after 15th :( so i tried to authenticate my wp account on a wp to get angry birds. i first held a lumia 820(black) it was matte and so premium to hold and good bro's got a z10 so i can relate to it and 820 felt better in hand then i held a lumia 920 (awesome) it totally felt like a flagship and ironically felt light to hold (maybe because it was wired as a demo phone) and the design is the best i've ever seen.i now think curved glass should a must on every phone.then i got to work to get a wp account authenticated...920 was a demo phone so i couldn't do it btw it took around 2 mins to get familiar with all the tiles then the rest of the phones weren't demo but didn't have wifi connected so i tried to hotspot my 5800 for'em so i used joikuspot but wp couldn't detect as it was ad hoc damn it even the symbian c7 can detect it *sigh* so i went to another store but it was also like that but there was an 800 kept (think it was the owner's as i saw a lot of apps on it) so i didn't want to reset his phone coz of the apps and yeah i also used the 720 there it was perfect for my hands as my fingers are long but it was white and i wanted to see red so he gave me a dummy but the colour looked awefully bright crimpson the real one also like that and my main question.....anyone bought a new wp or can reset his phone to authenticate my account please

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