Hi... New Lumia 1020 user!


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Jul 16, 2013
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Hello! I just got a Lumia 1020... And it is awesome. I recently changed from iPhone 5 (since having all iphones from day 1) to a Lumia 920... and two months later now I own a 1020. I used to work for a communications company, so I had two mobiles on me always, so I always sported my iPhone with an Android. But since the WP7 LG Quantum... I always kept that one close. I used to have an AT&T 8525...So I was no strager to Windows.

This 1020 is really a great phone...I and I can honestly say I don't miss my iPhone 5... Actually trade it in for the 1020 this week!

So far so good. How far the WP platform has come. I hope it keeps getting better and more people start switching to WP8.

Here are some (ipad) pics of my 1020 with my old 8525... Yes I keep my old phones functional! haha
comp 1.jpg




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Jun 13, 2013
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This is great! Thanks for sharing. Hope you enjoy it. I've only had my Lumia 920 a little over 2 months but love it and have no plans to switch from WP anytime soon. Very much looking forward to what Nokia & MS bring us in the upcoming months and 2014. :smile:


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Jul 16, 2013
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Nice John... I had my 920 for two months also... But as soon as my wife changed hers to a 1020 and I saw the screen...I had to...just had to, haha. Yeah, if they come out with a Lumia Tablet... My ipad is getting traded in next!


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Jul 16, 2013
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How to change the name of my xbox avatar example is player8472821 something like that. I saw your avatar i assume you know it :)

Yes, First downlad the Xbox Extras app... free from the marketplace. Then hit the name player8472821 and it will take you to the online editor... Then you get to change your name just ONCE...So choose wisely. If you want to change it later you have to pay... and now it is not with Microsoft points, now is real money.

Feel free to add me. I actually did this on my Xbox but my wife and son, both have Lumia's and I've created their avatars on the mobile phone.

Hit me up if you have trouble of any kind setting up the name.

You can also edit you avatar and add stuff through the marketplace in the app.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Welcome to WPC and the 1020 is such a beautiful device to behold!

Specially that camera!

It really is! Everyone in my work are impressed with the phone. And now the count is up to 3 of buddies who have switch to Lumia devices...920 most of them. And my dad, son and wife all have jumped to Lumia also!!!!


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Mar 1, 2012
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Glad to have you newavengers! Sounds like you have accomplished more recruiting for WP than a lot people! How many people stop to ask about your phone?

Connie Litrenta

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Nov 25, 2012
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I'll have my L1020 tomorrow and I'm coming from a L920 as well. I Love the Live tiles of this OS. Nothing like them. I tried the Galaxy S4 but after trying it out for two weeks and then seeing my hubby using his 920, I just really missed it so..... back I go with an upgrade to the 1020 and i couldn't be happier. It may not have all the apps or features of Android or iOS but it has things that neither of those two have - a fresh new look for starters. Those colors and tiles just really jump out at you. I can't wait.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Glad to have you newavengers! Sounds like you have accomplished more recruiting for WP than a lot people! How many people stop to ask about your phone?

Actually a lot of people. Every time someone sees the camera and color...they just have to ask... What phone is that!!!????

And then...recruiting starts! Hahaha

Connie Litrenta

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Nov 25, 2012
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I've had my Lumia 1020 for about 6 days now and I am totally glad I decided on this over the Galaxy S4. Nothing against it but I'm having a lot of fun with this camera and I STILL love these WP8 Live Tiles. The colors just jump out at you on this phone (L920 too). The OS is smooth and polished. I think the only negative thing people can say is the lack of apps but I have all the ones I really must have. I'll be really intrested to see what Microsoft does with this phone now that they bought Nokia. That said, if the development of a Lumia 1520 phablet is in the works, I am SO there. Keep charging Microsoft!

Connie Litrenta

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Nov 25, 2012
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So cool that you are liking the 1020 experience!!! Enjoy!

What's not to like? I'm always keeping my eyes open for a cool shot (I don't like to take pictures of every little thing). You can check out some pics of mine on Instagram (ConnieL429). Not a lot on there yet as I said, I only take "good" shots. Aside from the camera though, WP8 is by far the best OS when working in conjunction with another family member. The Rooms feature has no competition and is the only sure fire method I found for effectively communicating with the hubby (technologically impaired :eek:rly:)

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