Questions from an iPhone diehard


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Aug 14, 2013
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I'm a current iPhone 4 user who is seriously considering getting a Lumia 1020 instead of upgrading to an iPhone 5. The iPhone is the only smartphone I've ever used, and I also rely on a Macbook and Mac desktop, so I'm a little wary about making the jump. I've read a ton of reviews and am familiar with the major tradeoffs, but there are some minor day-to-day use questions that I was hoping to hear from everyday users on, particularly from those who've switched from the iPhone or use other Apple products.

How easy is it to transfer photos to a Mac via USB? I'm guessing most WP users also use Windows-powered PCs, but that's a switch I'll probably never make. A few of the reviews I read mentioned that the Mac desktop software for the WP doesn't provide an easy way to transfer full res photos to the computer, and since USB transferring appears to be the only way to get the full res pictures, that's obviously a sticking point if true. Anyone have experience with this?

How do notifications actually work? This is one thing I can't seem to find a clear description of, other than that WP doesn't have a notification center, which I can live with. But if I receive a text message (or some kind of social network alert), will it show up in my lock screen? One thing I like about the iPhone is that it displays a sizable pop-up with the name of the person and the first few lines of the text, so if I'm in a meeting, I can discreetly glance at the screen and know if it's something I should respond to. On my wife's Galaxy, she'll only see a small banner flicker at the top and has to enter the messaging app to see what it's about. Which is the WP more like? Do you ever find yourself missing things?

How good are the social networking apps, and how well do they interact with the rest of the phone? I'm not someone uses a gazillion apps, so the more limited offerings on WP aren't a major issue for me. But I do use Facebook and Twitter somewhat frequently, and I particularly like how the iPhone lets me share content through these apps directly from the phone's other native apps (like the camera roll or the web browser). I haven't found too much info on how the WP stacks up to the iPhone in this regard. Relatedly, while I'm not a big Instagram user and I assume the WP will get an official app before long, are the third-party Instagram clients as bad as people say?

How quickly do you get used to the size? I'm specifically asking recent iPhone converts. I really don't like the idea of large phones and wish they weren't so trendy, but I'm resigned that I'll probably have to get used to it. I wish the iPhone 5 didn't have the extra length, but it's still just a modest bump from what I have now, whereas the 1020 looks huge to my eyes. If you switched from the iPhone, how bulky did it feel in your pockets? How much harder is it to type on the 1020, assuming you have normal-sized hands?

Any input is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Jan 2, 2013
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I can answer your second and third question.

How do notifications actually work?
When someone sends you a message a banner pops up on the screen briefly (about 2 to 3 seconds). Depending on length of message it doesn't always display the whole message. But you can click on the message notification and it will open up the message app but if you have a pin code you must enter that first. You can also choose 5 apps to show a quick status(Counter) For example notifying you have 1 facebook message, 1 email, 1 WPCentral article. You can also choose an app to show a detailed status as well.

How good are the social networking apps, and how well do they interact with the rest of the phone?
Social networking is pretty good on WP. Has all your basic social networks. Also you are able to easily share a photo with facebook, twitter, email, etc. And I do believe you can also share your location as well. Facebook and twitter are pretty well integrated into WP8.

Hope this helps, sorry I can't answer your other questions!


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Jan 2, 2013
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To add, I switched from an Iphone 4 to HTC 8x. I was kind of concerned about the size difference. But I got used to it and now love it. Keep in mind the 1020 and 8x are two different phones. Also, not sure if you have a lot of music in iTunes or not. But that could be a con for you. I didn't so I wasn't really attached to iOS making it easy to switch. And I love WP8 has everything I need.


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IMO, transferring photos via the cloud is the easiest way to go. No carrying around and fumbling with cables. You simply upload to either Skydrive or ATT Locker (assuming you're on ATT), then just as simply go to Skydrive website or ATT Locker website and download to any Mac or PC. However, if you want full resolution, you would need to use ATT Locker, because Skydrive only allows up to 5mp. Both are free to sign up and comes with free space.

Mark Everingham

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Jan 23, 2013
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About the mac integration, I haven't used the "app" very often on my mac(i'm sure it can do the basics of syncing music and photos tho. I do have the skydrive app on my mac (it sets it up like a folder on your mac) and on my phone I have set the skydrive sync on my phone pictures to best quality (this requires Wifi) but basically the photos get uploaded and appear as if by magic available on the computer.


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Oct 30, 2012
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Answer from a WP diehard.

Upgrade to the iphone 5S when it arrives next month and buy a DSLR for the pictures.

You will be disappointed with the shortcomings of WP and want to switch back.


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Jul 15, 2013
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I currently have a Nokia 925. I came from an Iphone 5. I can tell you i am very happy with my choice. I am a big texter, Social networking and emails. I also stream alot of music.

Few things i miss about owning an Iphone 5 are Imessage and all the variety of accessories.


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Dec 10, 2008
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I currently have a Nokia 925. I came from an Iphone 5. I can tell you i am very happy with my choice. I am a big texter, Social networking and emails. I also stream alot of music.

Few things i miss about owning an Iphone 5 are Imessage and all the variety of accessories.

I agree, accessory availability is a little disappointing.


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Jan 29, 2013
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From coming from the 4s and then a few android phones, music and movies are easy to transfer imo from a mac. There is a program you can download for Windows to the Mac and it helps with the process. With android I had a lot more issues, music that didn't have the DRM on them would still not transfer. With windows, its easy! Pictures should be a breeze as well....

As for notifications, I think it matters the phone, I know the 1020 I have not had any issues with the notifications (I have heard people complain about the 920), it either pops up at the top of my phone; text messages, or chimes for emails. For FB and twitter it will either flip the tile to show that someone commented or liked, etc, same with twitter. The only app people complain about a course is instagram, instance is a fine third party app! There is a lot of anger towards instagram right now, but a new third party app is suppose to be released at any time and instagram is suppoe to be supporting it! So that helps, plus with the 1020, you add pics to instagram (with their blessing) on the Oggl Pro which is nice, but hash tags and tagging you have to do on your own, unless I am doing something wrong, if so please someone hit me up!!!!
Otherwise you will be happy!

I am 6'3 so the size doesn't bother me, I had the Note and Note 2, and they were fine, I felt like a dork talking into it, but with the 1020, I love it, the camera bump is the biggest thing you will need to adjust too, along with the OS. Your probably going to hate the OS to start, I did with my 920, but honestly Nokia is amazing! They are always updating their apps, and the OS is only going to grow as long as Microsoft keeps it going with Windows 8.1...I know for you it doesn't really matter, but from an investment stand point, Windows phones will be here to stay imo. Not sure where you live, but outside the U.S. Nokia is slowly growing, along with WP. I would get one, make sure you know the return policy and restocking fee, if in the U.S. go to Best Buy, for the longest time they never charged a stocking fee, and will price match Att and other carriers. Give it two weeks, if you don't like it, return it and wait till the new iphone announcement.
I am also looking forward to seeing what Apple has up their sleeves, but I think they are going to focus on budget phones sooner than later, if they made a 4.7" iphone I may buy it, this camera has spoiled me!! Also there are accessories! I don't wireless charge, I don't care too with the way my house is set up or my desk at work, but some love it! I just want the Nokia leather case that is hopefully going to be released, I am also going to buy a camera grip today. Either way, good luck, enjoy and remember, they are just phones, don't let fan boys talk you out of what you want!!! If you have questions on apps, etc, this is a great forum!!! So feel free to ask away!


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Dec 20, 2012
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See my posts under the thread "Are you happy with your 1020?"

I have found no fast easy way as a Mac user to sync reliably with the 1020. The Windows Phone app works very well when it connects but for me it will not connect every time and so far I have no way of predicting when it will connect. Using AT&T Locker over WiFi works fine but it is very slow transferring large media files. I like to preserve the Event/Album structure of iPhoto on the 1020 when moving photos back to the 1020 and I can't do that using Locker.

Having said all that I am hoping the sync problems with the Mac improve and I am hanging in there with the 1020 because I do like the phone and the camera is outstanding.


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Aug 14, 2013
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Thanks for the replies, everyone. I think I'm slightly closer to making the switch. I'm going to head to an AT&T store and login with some secondary accounts to try to simulate the user experience. I'm fairly confident that the few apps I'll miss will come with time, and it looks like they're working on improving the notifications in future updates. I mostly use Spotify for my music, so not having iTunes isn't a big deal.

My biggest hesitation is still the size. I just do not understand the trend towards giant phones, and I'm very used to the pocket fit and typing with one hand on my compact iPhone 4. Not sure how comfortable that will be with the Lumia.


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Jul 31, 2012
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The 1020 is a large phone, no doubt about it. I came from a Samsung Focus S, which is already large compared to the iPhone 4, but the 1020 is even bigger. Comparing the widths of these three phones, they are 58.66mm, 66.8mm, and 71.4mm. At first I thought the Focus S had clearly hit the sweet spot - it was very obvious going back and forth between the two phones on the first day of transition. I wasn't sure I'd be ok with the larger size of the 1020. But after a couple of weeks, I'm not noticing the size being too big or having any trouble holding it and doing stuff with one hand. The upper left corner is just about out of reach, but that's very rarely an issue. I realized I hadn't even thought about the size of the phone lately until seeing your message.

I certainly wouldn't go any bigger than this, and I think I'd still welcome a return to Focus S sizing, but I'd say this has turned out to be surprisingly workable for me.


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The 1020 is my current daily driver, but I have owned dozens of smartphones including the iPhone 5. There is probably no bigger jump than to move from iOS to windows phone. The 1020 has incredible hardware and takes amazing pictures. However, you may want to wait until the iPhone 5s is released before you make your decision as it will take a big commitment to change if you choose to jump to WP8. I fully recommend the 1020 but I am also willing to work around the challenges that WP8 can present.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk


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I switched from an iPhone 5 and haven't looked back. Nokia really hit this one out of the park. I had tried switching before with the 900 and 920 but I always ended back up with an iPhone. This time, I'm in for the long run and super excited for the future of this platform. I get my iOS fix on my iPad but I'm looking to fully switch to Surface Pro once Win 8.1 is released.


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May 24, 2013
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I've been on various iPhones since day one but made the switch recently and its been a real pleasure to be honest.
Microsoft and Apple play well together there are sync programs that enable it all for you.
I've not once had any problem synching to my Mac.
Having said that i don't use the synch program that much now as SkyDrive works a treat, the phone syncs all my photos to SkyDrive and SkyDrive syncs them to my Mac, to coin an old Apple phrase "It just works".
Size wise yes the larger phone was quite noticeable at first but i quickly got used to it and its surprising how soon it felt natural and normal, picking up my partner's iPhone 4 whilst tapping this out in my WP and the iPhone Just feels odd and dinky, i suppose what I'm saying is you quickly acclimatise.
WP integrates with my Mac extremely well in all the other aspects too, my Mac address book and my WP contacts just talk to one another whenever they need to and its pretty much instant btw, same goes for iCal.
I did set up a new MS based email address assuming i would need to switch everyone over but in reality iCloud works fine on WP, so now i use the two.
Apple and Microsoft have been about for a long time and have had there fights down the years (tho that maybe more the fanbois) the reality is they work together and these days have a mutual enemy in the form of Google, the upshot is I've had no integration issues at all.
Apologies for the long post hope its of use.


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As far as toast notifications go, such as breaking news alerts from the CNN app, the OS doesn't keep them around-if you don't get to your phone within 5-10 seconds it's gone. I think that is what a lot people want in a notification center-missed toasts. Personally not important to me-if its some earth shattering event I'll get a text or email anyway..

For email, texts, Facebook and Twitter postings you can get that info right from tiles pinned to start screen. Not any detail but at least a number on the tile..


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Aug 14, 2013
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Finally got to take the Lumia 1020 for a test drive, and decided not to make the switch. There were some little annoyances with WP here and there, but mostly it was the size and feel of the phone that I couldn't get over. I felt like I was carrying around an external hard drive in my front pocket, and the larger keyboard space was awkward for my fingers and slowed down my typing speed significantly. The phone also didn't feel very, er, mature. I know it's superficial, but I'm an attorney, and I want a phone that looks professional when I'm with clients and colleagues. While the quirkiness of the phone's build is sort of charming, it also made the phone feel a little bit toyish. (I have similar problems with several Android phones, including the Galaxy.) The camera really is great and I enjoyed the challenge of learning the manual controls, but it wasn't enough to overlook the other things.

I'm a little disappointed, because I've been intrigued by WP for a while and thought this might be the phone that gave me a reason to switch. I tried hard to rationalize it. Basically, I want a Windows phone inside an iPhone shell, or something close enough to it. Maybe if Nokia decides to make a smaller, sleeker Windows phone on my network I'll give it another look.


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Dec 18, 2012
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Finally got to take the Lumia 1020 for a test drive, and decided not to make the switch. There were some little annoyances with WP here and there, but mostly it was the size and feel of the phone that I couldn't get over. I felt like I was carrying around an external hard drive in my front pocket, and the larger keyboard space was awkward for my fingers and slowed down my typing speed significantly. The phone also didn't feel very, er, mature. I know it's superficial, but I'm an attorney, and I want a phone that looks professional when I'm with clients and colleagues. While the quirkiness of the phone's build is sort of charming, it also made the phone feel a little bit toyish. (I have similar problems with several Android phones, including the Galaxy.) The camera really is great and I enjoyed the challenge of learning the manual controls, but it wasn't enough to overlook the other things.

I'm a little disappointed, because I've been intrigued by WP for a while and thought this might be the phone that gave me a reason to switch. I tried hard to rationalize it. Basically, I want a Windows phone inside an iPhone shell, or something close enough to it. Maybe if Nokia decides to make a smaller, sleeker Windows phone on my network I'll give it another look.
have you considered the L925? It has the same screen size but it feels much smaller in the hands. I believe AT&T is bringing it on to replace the 920 somewhat soon, but can't remember where I saw that.

Also, the Lumia 928 works on AT&T (no LTE, just H+) and looks a lot more professional (I love mine)


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have you considered the L925? It has the same screen size but it feels much smaller in the hands. I believe AT&T is bringing it on to replace the 920 somewhat soon, but can't remember where I saw that.

Is that so? I liked what I read about the 925, but wrote it off because it's exclusive to T-Mobile. I'm sticking with my current clunker at least until the iPhone 5S is released, so if the 925 comes to AT&T, I'd certainly consider it.

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