Device size estimation

Wow, nice information. Thanks and my god if 1520 is 6.7 inches it is almost nearing Nexus 7.
For what it's worth, I think these estimates are a bit high, which might have been unavoidable given the quality of the image that Cornelius had to work with.

I approached the guestimate game from a different angle: using the known dimensions of the Luima 920, 925, 928 and 1020 to see how much (or little bezel) "overhead" Nokia is using on its high-end Lumia phones and then adding that to the larger screen size.

Assuming that all four models use screens of the same dimensions (Q: is the AMOLED screen really exactly the same size as the LCD?), the screen takes up 98.0mm x 58.8mm. As noted by Cornelius, a 6" 1080P screen is 132.8mm x 74.7mm. The top-to-bottom "overhead" of the 4.5" devices varies from 129mm-133mm while the side-to-side overhead varies from 68.9mm-71.4mm. This puts the minimum overhead for 4.5" models at 31mm x 10.1mm.

Adding those overheads to various screen sizes yields this table. (Note: the width doesn't grow as much as the height because the aspect ratio is shifting from 15:9 to 16:9.)
Screen size
Sized like screen of
Device size
Delta from 920
First 1520 rumor
163.8mm x 84.8mm (6.45" x 3.34")
1.32" x 0.55"
Second 1520 rumor
157.2mm x 81.1mm (6.19" x 3.19")
1.05" x 0.40"
Galaxy Note 2
152.7mm x 78.6mm (6.01" x 3.09")
0.88" x 0.31"
Galaxy Note (orig)
146.1mm x 74.8mm (5.75" x 2.95")
0.62" x 0.16"
something reasonable ;)
141.7mm x 72.4mm (5.58" x 2.85")
0.45" x 0.06"

If Nokia can lessen the non-screen "overhead," then the device can be smaller, but they can't add over an inch of height and end up with a phone that's considered anything other than very large.
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I think the calculations are not correct, the width will be approximitly 78-80 mm and the height 158-160 mm...
the lower bezel is smaller than he draw, its clear from the photo, look at the black level between the screen and the bezel...
edit: also if i depend on your photoshped image the dimensions will be 153 height and 82 width.... you should always compare with the 1020 image and real dimensions... i think16:9 6" screen has the dimension 132.8x74.7 (anyone please confirm) and that goes perfectly with my results in the first line (78-80x158-160)...
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I would have used proportions to figure out the screen size. Obviously none of this is exact but it will give a good idea. This would be the equation:

measured 1020 on screen measured 1520 on screen
measured 1020 in real life [SUP]X[/SUP] measured 1520 in real life (this would be the "x")

40mm 52mm
114mm [SUP]X[/SUP] Xmm


148mm=5.8 inches

These dimensions are just based on he overhead photo that OP created. I think we all know about what size the device will be so we're all about the same with estimates. We will have to wait :)

EDIT: The proportions won't turn out looking very well I noticed after I posted and tried to edit so hopefully everyone gets it.
The following calculation backs up my estimation.

Lumia 920 (official measurements from Nokia):
Length: 13,03 cm
Width: 7,08 cm

Screen of Lumia 920 (4.5 inches - 1280:768):
Lenth: 9,375 cm
Width: 5,625 cm

Delta of Lumia 920:
Length: 3,655 cm
Width: 1,455 cm

6 inch screen (6.0 inches - 1920:1080):
Length: 13,28 cm
Width: 7,47 cm

6 inch + Delta of 920:
Length: 16,935 cm
Width: 8,925 cm

Compared to my result from above, which are about the same:
17,00 cm x 8,90 cm

So, if we really get a 6 inch 1520 based on design aspects we know from the 920 or have to be assumed from the leaked picture, I guess, you can expect something like this. However, if there is no or only a small bezel on top of the device (we don't see anything in the leaked picture due to the perspective), it would end up to be a bit shorter.

the bezels will be much smaller... Even nokia confirmed that they are working on making small bezel starting from 625.... I think the delta width in the 1520 will not exceed 6 mm, the delta height will not exceed 27 mm...
Well, you would hope Nokia would have some foresight when planning their devices which take months to develop. The Nokia CR-200 car charger is 82mm fully open, so I would hope that they wouldn't make the device larger than that...
I think the calculations are not correct, the width will be approximitly 78-80 mm and the height 158-160 mm...
the lower bezel is smaller than he draw, its clear from the photo, look at the black level between the screen and the bezel...
edit: also if i depend on your photoshped image the dimensions will be 153 height and 82 width.... you should always compare with the 1020 image and real dimensions... i think16:9 6" screen has the dimension 132.8x74.7 (anyone please confirm) and that goes perfectly with my results in the first line (78-80x158-160)...

Guys, do you remember my estimations quoted above, look at the height in the following photo, the estimation precise ;)
Amazing device! But it's too big for me :(
C'mon Nokia! Give us a 5" LUMIA 930 soon!
Well, it looks like I wasn't too far off from the official specs. The device is 0.6mm wider and 1mm shorter than I guestimated back on September 1.

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