So I have a 1520... AMA.


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Jan 29, 2013
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Thanks for the pics!! Not to sound weird, but are you taller guy, I am 6'3" and my hands are big which is why I liked the note 1 and 2, but hated touchwiz along with many other things on the phone. The Note 2 was perfect for me, it did get old after 5/6 months always having a large phone in your pocket, I tried the Note 3 for a day, thank my friends at ATT!!! and I hated it!! Way too boxy and well it was cheap plus Android has run its course imo. This a course is longer and looks maybe a little wider and boxy ugh, but the picture in the shorts is bad imo! I really want this phone, but taking pics/videos I feel like I would look like a rod. As of right now, even though its new, do you see yourself leaning back to the 1020? I love LCD though :( dammit Nokia make this phone but in a 5.5" body!


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Oct 29, 2012
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did your friend that you got the phone from say anything about a release date on at&t?

edit: marky_yo beat me to it.


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Jan 21, 2012
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Thanks for the pics!! Not to sound weird, but are you taller guy, I am 6'3" and my hands are big which is why I liked the note 1 and 2, but hated touchwiz along with many other things on the phone. The Note 2 was perfect for me, it did get old after 5/6 months always having a large phone in your pocket, I tried the Note 3 for a day, thank my friends at ATT!!! and I hated it!! Way too boxy and well it was cheap plus Android has run its course imo. This a course is longer and looks maybe a little wider and boxy ugh, but the picture in the shorts is bad imo! I really want this phone, but taking pics/videos I feel like I would look like a rod. As of right now, even though its new, do you see yourself leaning back to the 1020? I love LCD though :( dammit Nokia make this phone but in a 5.5" body!

Im 6'0, with decent size hands and I think it overpowers me. For those who have used smaller phones like the 920 or the 1020, typing/texting with one hand is easy (well for me it is) just stretch out your thumb and go to work, no need to adjust your grip on the phone with the rest of your fingers. With this phone, I have to adjust my grip to ensure that I know it won't fall as its wider and stretching my thumb out is a little iffy. Right now I'm leaning 60% to 40% with 60% liking my 1020. I do like the screen real estate though.


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Jan 16, 2013
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Thanks for the info, I just saw a vid of the 929 with a lady holing it and that looked kinda big and bulky in her hands also. I'm sure my hands a larger so I will be definitely going with that one as the 1520 is way to big for me from your pictures and my 8x is running out of storage so I hope the 929 will come with storage options of 32gb and higher.


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Oct 29, 2012
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i think i'm going to have to play with this in the at&t store before i get it to get my own sense of if it's too big for me or not.


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Nov 16, 2012
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Thanks for the info, I just saw a vid of the 929 with a lady holing it and that looked kinda big and bulky in her hands also. I'm sure my hands a larger so I will be definitely going with that one as the 1520 is way to big for me from your pictures and my 8x is running out of storage so I hope the 929 will come with storage options of 32gb and higher.

There's no confirmation that that is the 929. It's likely just a stage prop.


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Jun 7, 2011
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The picture of it in your shorts is very telling. This phone is going to be people look straight up stupid.
I remember when I got a Siemens Pocket PC back in 2003 or something. It had a 2" screen I think and someone commented about how enormous it was. Small phones were "in" back then. It goes in cycles.


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Apr 2, 2012
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Display looks great, but I don't think I can convince myself to use such a big phone. I will see it in person in stores but I want to hold out for a 5 inch 20 mp like the 929 for att.


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Dec 8, 2011
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I'm assuming you only have the phone, with no case, correct? I'm still trying to determine if the new case w/ cover will include wireless charging on AT&T or not.

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