Thank You! Wonderful People. I made my decision. I will give the 1520 a try. But Need your Help


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Dec 9, 2014
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However wouldn't want to invest so much at this point given 1525 is in speculations. I Need your Help. A person in my country, India is selling a 1 year old USED Malaysian Purchased Nokia 1520 for a good price. He claims there are no issues with the phone what so ever. But I wanted to make sure with you all if it is a good deal to go or are there any issues with a Malaysian purchased Nokia Lumia's ( No offense but this used to happen when we bought BlackBerry's back in the day as we were advised to buy a BB from a particular country of origin). Also could you tell me what all stuff I need to check before buying a used Lumia phone. A personal Thank you to everyone here for your support and responses, It helps a lot! Cheers.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I would not expect any 1525 or whatever anytime soon so don't sweat it,
Anyone can make up anything.

1 year old isn't bad, my one-year old 920 is in good shape still.
No known issues that I have heard with any regional phone. Only those with the model as a whole. (I haven't heard of that buy-BB-elsewhere thing, so I dont think its the case now)

Check the following:
IMEI, or ESN (may not be as big of a thing over there, but make sure its not blacklisted/stolen)
Physical condition (obvious)
All features you can check (how the display looks, proximity sensor (try out features like Glance, Double-tap-to-wake), features of the camera, battery if you can, but if not, and its bad, it can be replaced.)
Its less of a issue, but make sure its unlocked (probably is)


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Nov 12, 2012
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There are 4 variations of 1520. Nokia Lumia 1520 - Full phone specifications

Can you get the RM #?

It would be RM-9xx > between 937 and 940.

The RM-939 lacks an LTE radio. That might not be a deal breaker for you, but should lower the price. It was made for the China and Asian markets and may be what was purchased in Malaysia. Any of the 4 should serve you well in India for 2G up to 3G/H+ data speeds... The only 4G/LTE I can find in India is Aircel on 2300 MHz and none of the 4 have that frequency on the 4G radio.

So any would be good for 3G, none are good for LTE unless a carrier there rolls out a new frequency other than Band 40 @ 2300.

RM-940... that is the special case indeed. Made for AT&T carrier in the US, the RM-940 has only 16GB internal storage compared to 32GB for all other 1520 models. There are some (rare) RM-940s with 32GB, but very few. ALL RM-940 units have had Qi wireless charging striped out and need a special case to charge wirelessly on the PowerMat style chargers (a competitor of Qi). An RM-940 would work perfectly fine for you (same as other models), but 1/2 storage and no Qi would be a price drop IMHO. You can spot a RM-940 as it has 3 metal contacts on the back... No other 1520 has that.

Good Luck and here's hoping you get a deal on a great phone.


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Sep 12, 2012
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Ask for the IMEI and then check Nokia's website.

Also, the 1520 is still great. The SD 800 is most definitely still competent enough to run.


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Dec 9, 2014
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Thanks Everyone. Taking your advise, I bought a new 1520 from Amazon India. It will delivered to me tomorrow. Cheers

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