1520 gone


New member
Sep 22, 2011
AT&T informed me this morning the 1520 is no longer available does any other carrier have it?
Look for descriptions that indicate new in box or unopened. I have bought several phones off eBay from good rated sellers and never had a problem.
Hopefully something great is coming.

The 640? -lol

Basically the only phones in the US you can buy through a carrier are low end phones. ....with the exception of the M8. I have a feeling we're going to have to wait till the fall for the next "great" phone.
I'm sad to see it go. I am a little surprised that it took at&t this long to EOL it. I'll continue to use mine for the foreseeable future. It's been the best phone I've ever owned, and despite paying the relatively high cost of buying unlocked 1520.3, I have no regrets!
They have to make way for the 640xl, it doesn't make sense to have two competing phablets from the same Manufacturer on the same Carrier, even if they are two completely different classes of phone.
They have to make way for the 640xl, it doesn't make sense to have two competing phablets from the same Manufacturer on the same Carrier, even if they are two completely different classes of phone.

ATT caries what they carry, but I'm sure that a 1520 replacement must be coming. Especially in light of the continued success of Samsung's Galaxy Note line and Apple bringing the iPhone 6+ to market.

Microsoft had the 1520 flagship out same time as the 1320 budget. The 640 XL replaces the 1320....

The 1520 replacement, IMHO, will be a 940 XL and will arrive in the early Autumn alongside a 940 and both purpose built for Windows 10. I also believe that they will be the highest MP PureView Zeiss offered this year and there will be no 1020 replacement. I'm expecting somewhere in the neighborhood of 24MP-28MP. Mind you this is all based on guesswork.
The 640? -lol

Basically the only phones in the US you can buy through a carrier are low end phones. ....with the exception of the M8. I have a feeling we're going to have to wait till the fall for the next "great" phone.

Well Windows 10 is going to release this summer, and I'd assume they'd have one big push and have their new Surface Pro 4 as well as a Lumia 940/940XL all at once. It would only make sense.
How to recognize a new one or a used one in eBay?

The 1520 I'm using right now it's off eBay... No problems. In fact I always but from eBay or Swappa with no problems over the years (SP3, 1020, 930, Yoga 2, etc).
I think Swappa is selling a unlocked RM 937 right now. That's the one with wireless charging.
Having sent in my 1520 due to the infamous touchscreen fault I fear that the 1520 is gone here in Sweden as well and that makes me sad.
I love the phone and it's size and I love WP so if I can't get a new one I don't know what I will do..
AT&T informed me this morning the 1520 is no longer available does any other carrier have it?
I don't know where to buy one unless maybe B&H still has some.

There are so many downsides from buying a phone from a carrier. Just wanted you to be aware that you don't have to buy from a carrier and would probably be much better off not getting thru them.
Well BUILD can't come quick enough for us the see the new flagship and for all we know they could surprise us with 2 flagships :P one phablet and the other 5" like sayyyyyyy a 1030 haha.
After some tough investigation, I found that Best Buy has the 1520 for sale!


Granted, right now, they just have the green one available online (which, if I was getting one, I would be fine with that :)) and it says the rest are all sold out online. I'd assume they won't be replenishing their stock anytime soon since the two main retailers, AT&T and Microsoft themselves, stopped selling the 1520.

So the bottom line is: If you want a new 1520 or 1520 on contract in the awesome green color, better race to Best Buy before they're gone! :)

EDIT: I noticed that the link I had didn't work (for whatever odd reason), so I put a new one up. The first was just a search for the term "Lumia 1520". The new link is for the product page of the green 1520 (only one available), so it should have no problems now.
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