Screen gets darker

Jovana Jovanovic

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Apr 12, 2015
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Well, hello everyone. I have Lumia 630 DS and it seems there is a problem with my screen. Today it happened to my phone that in one moment my screen gets darker light, it looks like my brightness is totaly on low level and when i look better the screen is blinking. This is the second time this happens to my phone. Can you give me advice what to do? Should i contact a shop i bought it from and complain? Thank you in advance.
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Daniel Gilbert M

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Mar 5, 2015
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Well, hello everyone. I have Lumia 630 DS and it seems there is a problem with my screen. Today it happened to my phone that in one moment my screen gets darker light, it looks like my brightness is totaly on low level and when i look better the screen is blinking. This is the second time this happens to my phone. Can you give me some advice what to do? Should i contact a shop i bought it from and complain? Thank you in advance.

630 doesnt support really really low brightness setting .... regardless of which OS/Firmware. it will flicker.

so what you can do is got settings-->display-->brightness profile (adjust)

there you will see the levels for low medium and high respectively.

adjust the slider for low brightness such that the slider is just beyond the last 'l' of the level.


put it in low and adjust the slider until the flickering stops.

try this ... this is how i have adjusted it.


Dusan Randj

Jul 10, 2014
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Ako ti ne pomogne ovo sto su naoisali, podesavanje osvetljenja, pa ni hard reset, ostaje da je eventualno hardverski problem, onda bi trebalo da reklamiras.

Jovana Jovanovic

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Apr 12, 2015
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Probala sam ovo sto mi je napisao ali nije doo toga, kad mi se to desilo (dva puta) sve je u redu i samo se odjednom ugasi osvetljenje i to bas, taj level ni ne postoji za low i kao da mi trepti ekran ali vrlo malo pa mi se cini zbog svega toga da je hardverski problem. A ja ako ga reklamiram, pitanje koliko dobro ce da ga poprave zato sto se mojoj sestri desavalo isto da treperi ekran ali nije u pitanju Lumia vec neki drugi telefon i tri puta ga slala na servis a da mi daju novi sigurno nece. Inace sa Gigatrona sam ga narucila.

Dusan Randj

Jul 10, 2014
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Zvuci kao da je hardverski problem. Vidi, po ovom novom zakonu imas pravo da trazis zamenu odmah i insistiraj na tome.
Ako je proslo manje od 14dana od kako si ga narucila, imas pravo da vratis i uzmes novac nazad. Doduse, koliko je to primenjivo znamo dobro u praksi ali vredi da se potrudis. Reklamiraj pa kako uspes. Drzim ti palceve, pa javi jesi sta uspela.

Ustvari, jos jedna stvar ne bi bila na odmet da probas, uzmes telefon kad pravi problem i uputis se s njim u neki servis, neovlasceni, pa pitas sta je u pitannu i koliko je popravka. Ne das im naravno telefon ali mozes da saznas sta je.

Jovana Jovanovic

New member
Apr 12, 2015
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Ma pre dva meseca sam ga uzela ali imam dve godine garanciju. Sacekacu jos malo da vidim da li ce opet to da se desava (verovatno hoce) pa cu onda da kontaktiram Gigatron i da ga saljem. Hvala ti, javljam ako nesto uradim.

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