Updated Whatsapp on my Lumia 635 and I don't have REPLY in group chats. What can I do?

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Windows Central Question

updated whatsapp in lumia 635 dont have REPLY in group chats.

please can anyone explain to me why the "reply" option doesn't work in group chat.
i recently updated my whatsapp hoping to get the newly added "reply" option. To my utter surprise the "reply" feature only works in individual chats but doesn't even appear in any group chats. Am totally disturbed. Am using lumia 635.

Chintan Gohel

Active member
May 23, 2014
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Re: updated whatsapp in lumia 635 dont have REPLY in group chats.

please can anyone explain to me why the "reply" option doesn't work in group chat.
i recently updated my whatsapp hoping to get the newly added "reply" option. To my utter surprise the "reply" feature only works in individual chats but doesn't even appear in any group chats. Am totally disturbed. Am using lumia 635.

try creating a new group and see if you still have the reply button missing

By the way, there was a change made recently where there reply button only appears once you've typed something

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