From Samsung Ativ S to Nokia Lumia 800


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Jul 6, 2012
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Over the weekend someone broke into my truck and stole my phone. Since I wasn't willing to fork over 550.00 to replace my WP 8 phone, I picked up a VERY gently used 800 for a song so here are a few observations:
  • When I got the 800, it was running version 7.5 and after a series of updates (six of them) I finally unlocked all that goodness that is 7.8.
  • 7.8 isn't that much beneath 8. Most of the feature are available to both but I do miss weather on my lockscreen, but I think that's more of a limitation of a single core processor rather than the o/s.
  • They must have fixed 7.8 because all my tiles update properly and my phone is buttery smooth.
  • I had forgotten how beautiful this phone is. It is so much more attractive than my Samsung - but then again I hate rounded corners.
  • I can't lie - I miss all the real estate that a 4.8 inch screen had verses a 3.7. That's a really tough thing to give up.
  • The Lumia feels really good in the hand - the Ativ always felt a little too slippery to me.
  • The Lumia hasn't done a spontaneous reboot yet. My Sammy did one at least once every three days.

In short, I think that this phone has to rank as one of Nokia's best. A great phone even today. Wear it proudly 800 brothers and sisters!

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