APN Settings - going mental over here


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I purchased a Lumia 810 because my operator (Wind Mobile - Canada) operates on the very annoying AWS band (but we put up with it for the savings). I have successfully unlocked the phone.

The problem is, while I'm able to talk and text, I can't access my mobile Internet. If I've paid $500+ for a feature phone, I'll be very upset.

In WP7.5, APN settings were under settings > cellular. SIM applications now appears where settings used to. Upon searching online, Lumia 920 owners report that APN management has been moved to its own section: settings > access point. The problem is that this section does not exist on my Lumia 810. I am unable to download Nokia's access point app.

I've contacted T-Mobile. They were nice to me (despite calling from abroad and not being a customer, but their techs could not figure it out). I've contacted Nokia Canada, and they eventually told me to talk to T-Mobile.

I don't know what else to do. I can't exactly sell a crippled phone.
T-Mobile disabled the ability to edit APN... it's maddening how much control these carriers in the US have over our phones!! T-Mobile removed the APN settings and restricted the internet sharing functionality to only those with a tethering plan, AT&T swallowed the key and refuses to unlock their 920s, Verizon holds the exclusive on DataSense and nobody else can have it. If there were a way to buy these devices completely unbranded then there'd be no problem, but in the US the carrier ALWAYS interferes and the 810 is not being sold anywhere else.

It's a waiting game now to see if Nokia comes out with an APN/Network settings app and we all know how long that took the first time that needed to happen. So either you wait for who knows how long or you find a way to sell it or return it - that's it. Then again, shooting an email to Stephen Elop has worked for several people on these forums with issues... not sure what he could do but maybe he could put something in motion or point you to a special workaround?

Edit: The first time you turned on your phone, did you turn it on there in Canada to unlock it? The phone is supposed to automatically set the APN settings upon first boot. No, I do not know if it "automatically" sets the pre-set T-Mobile APN from the device ROM or if it somehow gathers them through the sim + network OTA.... but, if it is possible to gather them OTA, maybe it needs a hard reset since the device is fully unlocked now? (My thought: Since the phone was subsidy locked when you first turned it on, and it couldn't pull any info off the network using the sim, maybe it defaulted to pre-programmed values) Hard reset the phone and go through device setup again with the phone unlocked and the proper WIND sim in there. Make sure everything is backed up before you try. That is the only thing I can think of for now - please let us know what you decide to do.
I don't think that a hard reset would work, it didn't for me.
I've been trying to get access to APN settings on this device in so many ways, went as far as hex-edit the rom just to have a look: found the APN settings hardcoded, as well as a couple settings to hide the APN buttons in settings / cellular.

I guess our only options are an updated firmware that unlocks those settings, or the Network Setup app :(
I've got a 920 on T-Mobile and I have an option in Settings all the way at the bottom that allows custom apn configuration. It IS a Lumia 920 from the Build 2012 conference so that could be why I can access it.
I've got a 920 on T-Mobile and I have an option in Settings all the way at the bottom that allows custom apn configuration. It IS a Lumia 920 from the Build 2012 conference so that could be why I can access it.

I like the way that sounds "I've got a 920 on T-Mobile." :D

To OP, I sure hope we get an update that allows the APNs to be manually configured. I don't see why not...probably just a waiting game at this point.
that's what i thought...just checked my T-Mobile Lumia 710, and the "add apn" option is there. I couldn't remember...come on, Nokia! :)
You know, all of this talk, is why I'm hoping Microsoft comes out with their Surface Phone, and that it will be an unlocked (carrier independent) unsubsidized, world phone. You buy it, put SIM in and go. DONE END OF STORY!!
Hi guys,

I just got a Lumia 920 today, and it's up and running on T-Mobile. I was having the same headache with no data and no solution; spent time on the phone with Tmo to no avail, couldn't find the APN settings to save my life.

Then I found Settings>Access Point and enabled T-mobile. Voila, I got internet. Also, if I 'add', then I get all the APN settings.

Hope this helps someone save some time. :grin:
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Any ideas if the ##3282# menu has a setting to adjust the APNs? I'm planning on trying the 810 on Solavei (Sign Up, Log In, or Learn More | Solavei) just to see how the performance is, but the lack of adjustments for the APN's has me a bit nervous...

Any updates on finding a way to do it yet? Did they program off the SIM on reset? Anything?
Any ideas if the ##3282# menu has a setting to adjust the APNs? I'm planning on trying the 810 on Solavei (Sign Up, Log In, or Learn More | Solavei) just to see how the performance is, but the lack of adjustments for the APN's has me a bit nervous...

Any updates on finding a way to do it yet? Did they program off the SIM on reset? Anything?

I did this #3282# on my phone....it brings up field test...is there something in particular i should look for?
Hello everyone,

same thing here in Qu?bec, Canada, with the provider Videotron. This ISP is using the same
frequency used by T-Mobile (AWS 1.7Ghz), so that's the reason why I got the 810.
I unlocked the phone, everything is working, but the 4G, because of the APN hard-coded for T-Mobile. :(

I tried everything (forced the ISP instead of "Automatic" in the cellular settings), tried everything with " #3282#"
and even tried to download the "Network Setup app" from the marketplace, but I cannot download it, it's not
authorized, probably because of T-Mobile of course... ;)

I'm really sad, because the phone is awesome... I just can hope that one day, the new firmware will
authorize us to change the APN settings.

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I got confirmation that APN editing is disabled on the 810. It was a downer for sure. I ended up returning the phone.
Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
It's sad you had to do this, but I hope T-Mobile will realize the mistake they made with this.
If a lot of T-Mobile users refuse to get this phone and let them know why...

I must be dreaming... ;)
sounds like they have pulled a screw job over on you 810 peeps then. take it back.

The problem is, I did not get it from T-Mobile... :)
I'm patient, I hope we will find something, if it's not via a new firmware, maybe a hack from XDA or anyone else angry enough about this illegal restriction. ;)
Anyone good at filing class actions law suits around here? Or how does one file a complaint against T-moible/Nokia with the FCC (or is it the FTC)?

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