Since a lot of us got our phones, what don't you like?


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Mar 25, 2012
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Somebody mentioned this the other day but when listening to music with headphones there is an audible hiss when the volume is low/no music playing. Anyone else experience this? Other than that im very happy with the upgrade from the Focus.


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Mar 23, 2011
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Lack of Pandora, WP7 Connector on Mac is slow as ****, no manual brightness change, I am sure I will find more later.

For all the gripes about this screen it looks pretty damn nice to me.

Metro Radio is a pandora client, same experience so try that

there are also 3 screen brightness levels, low, medium and high....


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Mar 27, 2012
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The unit shipped to me is defective. Buttons below dont work and they freeze the whole screen or activate at will. Aside from that frustration, I love the device. Camera tho is subpar.


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Mar 25, 2012
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First Impressions

I use my iphone 4s as my cell, the lumia will function as my home phone. I do have some first impressions that will hope those that use other phones and platforms. This is my first experience with WP since the days of old.
First- the phone is slick, fast. the OS is simply faster than most even with the animations. it is only limited by my learning curve. IOS is a great OS, but after playing with this one for a day, so is WP.
Second- again coming from an iphone 4S, the screen is not hardly as good and sharp. Texts and photos are bland, especially when zooming. BUT, that is only because I use both concurrently. I put my iphone down today and forwarded all calls. Now it;s not hardly as noticeable as it once was. The increase in screen size more than compensates for what it may be lacking in pixel density. I really enjoy the colors, if this becomes HD, iphone has real competition in this department.
Third- apps, but i feel they are coming
Fourth- vibrate, really? no bueno. it stinks at best. I am sure they will fix this in later models, however, it is what it is. I still have my old nokia and I think, they used the same vibrator, lol.
Fifth- Reception, absolutely sick. I work in a hospital, deep down in surgery. My iPhone 4s, Skyrocket and Atrix routinely well, SUCK. Lost signal, even wifi random. The nokia Lumia 900 works well, very well. Great signal, receive texts, make calls and data. I dont have to stand on one foot, hold my mouth to the left and jump up and down as I do with the iPhone 4S.
Lastly- camera, it could be better for 8 MP, not nearly on par with others but the flash is good. I am hoping software updates can CRISP the images up some. Not concerned with speed, options, etc. They are all fairly good. Just make the pictures POP.

Overall, I am satisfied. Really enjoying windows phone and the lumia900. Will I keep, yes.


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Feb 21, 2012
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is there any way I can use of my songs as my ringtone? I'm surprised it doesn't let me do that, I never liked any default ringtones...


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Jan 15, 2011
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Lack of Pandora, WP7 Connector on Mac is slow as ****, no manual brightness change, I am sure I will find more later.

For all the gripes about this screen it looks pretty damn nice to me.

Buy (yes, it's that good) MetroRadio Pro. There's your Pandora.
Can't speak on Mac stuff.
You can change brightness in Settings?


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Mar 27, 2012
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slight little thing , but some kind of notification when phone is asleep either wake of the screen or the capactive buttons lighting would have been prime. Other than that love this phone and OS


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Mar 29, 2012
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Jeez...mine sounds fine on loose bits at all...just a deep solid buzz....maybe I just don't notice it.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express


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Dec 23, 2011
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is there any way I can use of my songs as my ringtone? I'm surprised it doesn't let me do that, I never liked any default ringtones...

Yes but you need to edit the songs. They need to be 30 seconds or so. And their Genre in the ID3 tags needs to be set to Ringtone. Sync them thru Zune/Mac Connector and they will show up as custom ringtones.

iTunes is a great way to cut the songs. But you can also find other software to clip the tracks to 30 seconds. I'm surprised Microsoft still haven't had a way to just right click a track in Zune and have create ringtone.


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Apr 15, 2011
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is there any way I can use of my songs as my ringtone? I'm surprised it doesn't let me do that, I never liked any default ringtones...

You can do this by changing the genre to "ringtone" in Zune before syncing to the phone. It may have to be trimmed to 30 secs as well, I don't remember since I have never done it.

Sent from my Windows 8 tablet.


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Aug 25, 2011
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is there any way I can use of my songs as my ringtone? I'm surprised it doesn't let me do that, I never liked any default ringtones...

Just to elaborate on the jlkelley and camaroguy contributions: move any song or tone file into your mymusic folder -or whatever folder you've set as your music folder, and you'll then find it alphabetically in your Collection screen listing of songs in Zune. Right-click on the song/tone and access the Edit window. In the Genre drop-down, select ringtone. Then, on your phone, you'll find the new tone on the Settings > Ringtones + Sounds > Ringtone screen as a Custom sound at the top of your tone listings.
--300SLguy ;)


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Apr 27, 2003
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Biggest thing I absolutely hate is only 16GB of storage space (and 13 usable).

I also dislike software keyboards and miss the hardware one of my Venue Pro and previous devices, but I was forcing myself to use the software one on the VP to prepare for that a little.

But the 16GB is going to be a problem, when my apps, games, and trial games are taking up 12GB alone.


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Aug 7, 2011
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I wish the chrome camera bezel wasn't so scratch prone.

BTW there's a stickied thread under the general forum with ringtone tutorial and tons of ringtones people have uploaded. I even uploaded a few.


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Feb 21, 2012
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Thank Rodolfo, jlkelley and camaroguy. For those that's wondering the same, to sum up, go to itunes to cut the song to 30 sec or less (i didn't go over 30s, but give it a try anyway), sync them thr zune after changing its genre to ringtone (i didn't find ringtone in the genre dropdown so I just typed it), then you're good to go.

on another note, i'm new to Zune too and find it quite interesting, definitely more lively than itunes


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Apr 1, 2012
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I wish the USB port was on the bottom, or maybe allow the screen to rotate 180 degrees, so as to allow a docking station, or a car cradle charger. It would be helpful for continuous GPS use, for example. And then being able to have the screen stay lit would be a bonus in that case.


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Apr 2, 2012
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I simply just love everything about this phone, the only thing is I wish i had the option to turn off LTE when I dont need it. Still conditioning the battery and since I fully charged it when I got it yesterday it finally died after 28 hours of none stop use, facebook, people, pics, uploading, syncing, marketplace, browsing the net and taking video. I have to say Im very impressed with battery life, below 10% with constant use i got like almost 2 hours out of it. Also the brightness I have set to low and holy **** i can read everything in direct sunlight...why do i need to use high? 10 minutes with it and my roomate was on ATT's site ordering one, he said F tmobile and his galaxy s2. The interface is soo much faster than android imo and I to was coming from a galaxy s2 (sprint). 16GB is a little low but I dont do much on my phone other than email and music. Im not a big mobile gamer.

@wilco9 - I totally love zune, especially over iTunes. they are both great in their own way but I just love the zune interface much more. I usually have parties and use zune on my tv as the visuals and its pretty awesome.


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Jul 19, 2008
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The unit shipped to me is defective. Buttons below dont work and they freeze the whole screen or activate at will. Aside from that frustration, I love the device. Camera tho is subpar.
I have the same button issue. My soft buttons seem to active on their own. Especially the back button. At first I thought I was hitting it by accident but I watched it go to the previous app while I was holding it with one hand. I also have a camera activation button issue but that is in another thread.

I love the phone overall but I am going to exchange it tomorrow at the store. It is a shame it does not work right.

I may compare it to the titan II since I am going to be at the store anyway!


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Aug 25, 2011
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Thanks for qualifying my post, wilco9: It's been a while, but I think you're right -that I did have to type "ringtone" into the Genre box in Zune. I note that ringtone is now a genre category for any song in my collection, and the sign that I did type it in is that it is the only option that is not capitalized. ;)

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